as someone who has organized through both Obama’s AND Trump’s presidencies, i can promise you that organizing against one was not easier than organizing against the other. because their policies and values are a lot more alike than not.
obama, in this case, was the “progressive.” he didn’t have the track record that biden does.

if the obama era produced trayvon martin, mike brown, sandra bland, eric garner, walter scott, samuel dubose, alexia christian, rekia boyd, and many more, why wouldn’t biden’s?
if the obama era set the precedent for mass deportations and maintained the prison industrial complex as one of the biggest businesses in the world, why wouldn’t biden’s?

especially as he is a grandfather of mass incarceration.
i could go on, but i don’t need to. organizing under obama was very much similar to what the organizing landscape looks like under trump. because organizing will happen regardless of who is in the oval office, and to be in the oval office one must be committed to anti-Blackness.
so the idea that voting for biden—an absolute horrible person—would make organizing easier than under trump—another absolute horrible person—doesn’t add up.
the only difference between Trump and Biden is (R) and (D).
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