Please only answer this poll if you fully grasp that it doesn’t relate to Independence but that it does relate to Scottish Parliamentary elections.

Please also make sure you fully understand that this relates to the fact that there are THREE Unionist Parties in the... (2)
(2) ...Scottish Parliament versus 2 Pro-Yes parties currently. Why do we accept this? If we are Yes supporters we should seek an equal number of parties, surely?

The formation of more Yes parties if they aren’t standing against the SNP (which is currently the case) means...(3)
(3)...that we merely strengthen the pro-Yes voices in what is supposed to be our Parliament.

With recent polling suggesting >54% Yes there is no reason why we cannot play the D’Hondt system to achieve a balance for us as a country. We fail to see why any Yes supporter... (4)...
(4)...would object to this. @KennyMacAskill has been clear that the only way to achieve a better Parliamentary balance for our country is to permit another pro-Yes party to participate.

Take on board that @theSNP are the vehicle for Independence; but equally take on board...(5)
(5)...that the SNP have many intentions such as GRA which many females object to. The proposals are harmful to women & girls & any man walking into a women’s toilet cannot be challenged if this goes ahead. For this reason, many Yes supporters are of the view that we need to (6)
(6)...Equalise our Parliamentary balance with a 3rd pro-Yes Party, Enable the D’Hondt System to be used to our advantage (not that it happens often) and hold the SNP and any other party to account on policies that are unacceptable. Finally, it is worth knowing that the (7)...
(7)...many people who want to form a pro-Yes party are lifelong Yes supporters, male & female, former SNP members & those with considerable knowledge of the constitution, economics and trading abilities of Scotland.

We have been appalled at the false allegations made by (8)...
(8) Yes supporters, many of whom FAVOUR retaining as many British nationalist MSP’s as currently exist. We just don’t get this.

Let’s accept that we all want a Yes majority & we all want a Yes outcome. On that basis we have to stop the attacks on new Parties (9)...
(9)...because otherwise - especially by voting SNP x 2, we actually fall into the unionist trap.

It is therefore accurate to say that depending on your region you are permitting a Tory to get in by voting ‘SNP twice’.

Think about what we are saying. Research.
So here is the poll;
In short, the more constituency seats you win, the more votes you need to gain on the list to win one of the seven seats. That is why the SNP won only four list seats for the almost one million votes cast while the Conservatives won 24 for half a million votes on the same ballot
There are many videos showing you how this system works. We can send dozens or you can use YouTube and find your own.

The point is that we need stronger Yes representation. That is not in dispute.
You can follow @hopeoverfear01.
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