Hello folks,
It's Monday night so we have Niagara-on-the-Lake committee of the whole, general meeting.

Two major items to look forward to:
1. Discussing the path the town will take to fill Stuart McCormack's position
2. A potential mandatory mask bylaw
Staff have provided council three options to fill McCormack's position:
1. By appointment - runner-up from 2018 elections
2. By appointment - staff report back with other potential appointment options
3. By-election
Sandra O'Connor, who finished ninth in the 2018 elections, has told the town that she would accept the appointment to fill the vacant seat.
NOTL has had to fill a vacant position five times in its history. Only twice did they not appoint the position to the runner-up... one of those two times it was appointed to the second runner-up.
We begin with the COVID-19 update from Lord Mayor Betty Disero.
Disero says she preferred the region dealt with face masks, but it has been deferred. She continues to get emails from residents and store owners about the lack of mask wearing.
Store owners say they can't mandate it without the support of the town.
Disero is disappointed that regional council didn't deal with it. She said she hoped it would be a yes or no, not a deferral.
Motion from Disero: "That a special meeting be called by the Head of Council for the purposes of approving a draft bylaw with respect to face coverings in indoor public spaces"
Coun. Gary Burroughs asks why council didn't know of these motions before and if there is a draft bylaw available for council to review
Staff have done some preliminary work on a bylaw but Disero didn't want them to do the work if council has no intention of wanting a bylaw.
I should probably change my language. This discussion goes beyond face masks. It is about any face covering - masks, shields, etc.
Coun. Clare Cameron is in favour of a special council meeting only if a draft bylaw is provided with "adequate" time for council to review it.
Added to the motion: Special council meeting would take place Wednesday regarding face coverings to stop the spread of COVID-19
To slow the spread*
"Further that the agenda include a report and draft by-law available for public viewing" - added to motion
Burroughs asks if staff will be able to have a bylaw done in 24 hours since they are so busy. Asks to move the meeting to Thursday to give staff more time.
Coun. Norm Arsenault puts amendment forward to move meeting to Thursday
Motion approved. Special council meeting regarding face coverings will be held Thursday, July 16.
Continuing with Disero's COVID-19 update
Next motion from Disero: "That council ratify the action taken by the emergency team to date"
Cameron won't be supporting the motion because she doesn't support every action taken.
Erwin Wiens has a different opinion. Will support the motion and agrees with actions and says he has received adequate time to review decisions from the emergency team.
Coun. Wendy Cheropita won't support this because she'd like to be able to review the work from the emergency team from the comfort of her home rather than having to come into town hall to see the reports
Motion approved 5-to-3
Interim CAO Sheldon Randall says the closure has been a success with physical distancing.
That would be the closure on Queen Street^
Changes coming to Queen Street: Vehicles will be able to drive on the street, but barricades will be put up along parking spaces to still allow for extra space on sidewalks for physical distancing.
Hours will change as well. Staff will begin blocking all parking stalls on Friday and remove the barricades on Monday.
Coun. Erwin Wiens says he is getting complaints from Queen St. businesses saying there has been a lack of communication from the town chamber of commerce
A portion of Regent St. will be closed off as well on weekends.
Staff will present some data to council on July 20 about the Queen St. closure pilot program
Town may put staff on Queen Street to survey tourists about their thoughts on the closure
Randall says the town is close to getting a grant that will provide significant funding to help businesses in the community, but could not speak further on the details
COVID-19 update over. Up next discussion about protesters on Queen St. regarding horse carriage
Disero's following motions:
1. The council request staff to look at options for encroachment or lease of area within the corner of King and Queen Streets for exclusive use of the Horse and Carriage operators.
2. Council request staff set up a session on defusing or de-escalation of difficult situations for members of council and that the Horse and Carriage operators be invited to attend
Those motions will be placed under 'notice of motion' and will be voted on at the July 20 council meeting
We are calling for a suspension for the rules instead, and the motions will instead be discussed tonight and voted on as well.
Councillors are saying protesters have become more aggressive recently
Cheropita says she is hearing tourists say they won't come back because the protesters are very rude and vulgar
Cheropita wants town to connect with lawyers to see what can be done to de-escalate the situation
NRPS are willing to come to council next week to discuss with council in-camera
Randall says there was a protocol discussed last year but one party involved in the horse carriage protests would not sign the protocol
No charges have been laid thus far with protesters or the operators of the horse carriage
Those two motions pass.
We are finished on the horse carriage protesters topic.
Only topic that will be up for discussion on the consent agenda will be the declaration of council vacancy. No discussion requested for the other two topics
Balance of the consent agenda voted in favour:
1. Fire Master Plan
2. Water Audit - Service Delivery Review Report
Coun. Cameron says she is in favour of filling the council vacancy through appointment.
Clerk Peter Todd says a by-election through the internet and phone voting could happen if council chooses
Cameron says the town should look into taking the leap forward for the 2022 elections with online and phone voting capability. NOTL would join over 100 municipalities in Canada to offer that method if they did so.
Cheropita asks council if they would be supportive of doing a survey online to see what residents would want in regards to the vacant seat
Sounds like councillors are in favour of option 1 - appointing Sandra O'Connor
Council approves to go with option 1. Next week council will be able to officially appoint Sandra O'Connor to fill the vacant seat.
Two items are pulled from the information package:
1. Traffic Data Collection and Speed Minders Program
2. Zoning Amendment - 358 Four Mile Creek Road
Quick discussion on both topics and we move on to new business.
Arsenault is potentially putting a motion forward to remove the emergency delegation from the Lord Mayor and CAO during the emergency times, and return back to normal business that allows council to handle all matters
Arsenault will leave it as a notice of motion for next week.
Disero is filling councillors regarding her meeting with NRPS about motorcycles and noise in town
Police say there is nothing they can to enforce the loud noises by motorcycles.
NRPS are willing to come discuss with council.
Burroughs asks if there will be adjustments to the noise bylaw after a public meeting. Town staff will consider all the feedback and bringing a recommendation report to council.

Council will also get another chance to discuss.
Burroughs is asking about cameras the town has placed on Queen Street, but is bringing it up as a notice of motion
Burroughs is on a roll with new business. Queen St. merchants pay $2.5 million in taxes through a report he received from staff
After a couple short discussion, we have adjourned for the evening. Good night.
I will see everyone back here on Thursday for the NOTL special council meeting where a face cover bylaw could be passed.
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