Here's some logic I'm no longer trying to comprehend:

"Yeah there's actual white supremacists and criminals in the WH that I want out but Obama deported a lot of people and Biden made a shitty crime bill so we should keep the ineffective racists until someone I like shows up."
The idea that politics and politicians aren't complicated and messy and that none of them are perfect is one it seems a lot of people don't comprehend.
If you are waiting for the pure untainted candidate who checks all your boxes and has ever held an elective office before and knows how to govern this immensely complicated country in this immensely complicated world to perfection, guess what? It's never gonna happen.
Every election cycle millions of Americans watch their favorite imperfect complicated candidate drop out of the race and those millions of people usually move on to the next closest candidate who wants what they want and believes what they believe.
And we do this with the understanding that there are things that will always be unacceptable to us on either side of the political spectrum.
but assuming the candidates aren't criminals or rapists (prior to 2016) we pick the person who we think can get us closer to our version of the world you want to live in.
And if you're any kind of progressive or liberal or whatever you want to call yourself, and you want things like Healthcare and equal rights and clean air and water etc, and you think the imperfect Joseph Biden doesn't move you closer to those things than Trump...
You really don't care about those things or anyone but yourself. Because there are people hurting and dying because of the current non leadership taking place. Because whether you like it or not, your actions or inaction will affect people who aren't you.
And if you think four more years of Donald Trump gets you closer to ending white supremacy and defunding the police then you should see a doctor.
But to constantly see the reduction of what's at stake for our future as a country and as black people to throw away and dismissive rhetoric about Trump and Biden being anything close to the same choice is at minimum ignorant and dangerous.
People's actual fucking lives are at stake. Children are still in cages. Children will never see their real families again. Trans women are being killed daily. Black men are being lynched on film.
Wake the fuck up man.
Take this shit seriously. We lead the world in coronavirus cases and deaths and our passports are revoked in over 100 countries. This is not normal. You don't even realize you're being cut off from the world and becoming the very country we like to invade.
I know there are plenty of black people and liberals who won't vote for Biden or anyone in November and I don't expect to change their minds because ultimately those decisions are based on how we internalize our own personal pains and struggles.
What I'm asking is that you take a beat and really ask yourself what type of world you want to live in and who gets you even one step closer to it. Because if it ain't about moving forward then what's the point?
If it's not about teaching and showing our kids that 2016 was a mistake and that we won't double down on hate then what are we doing?
Maya Angelou said "when you know better, do better." We've witnessed the last four years and we know better. Now what are you gonna do?
We've spent the last four years in a constant back slide. And I don't think there's a football coach alive who would say "well they sacked us for a huge loss so just let them keep sacking us." It makes no sense.
An imperfect man wants to lead us out of a really shitty situation in an imperfect country with an imperfect government. After four years of daily stepping backward, I'll be happy to take even one step forward if in this moment that's all we can get.
That being said, in November, vote like the life of someone you love depends on it. History has its eyes on us. 🙏🏾✊🏾❤️
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