So in light of a recent documentary I just watched, I think it is time to share the moment I got red pilled (this is a really long post, sorry!!). And I mean really red pilled. To give some context for my red pill, I will talk about the period leading up to this horrible...
experience (I am very grateful for this experience, however, because it really showed me what this world will become if I don't face reality and reject the cabal's plan). I digress.
While applying for university in my year off, I was made aware of a very special opportunity...
that I could apply for. This opportunity was/is called The Arts and Science Honours Academy. Upon reading the description for this prestigious 4-year program that would be put on my transcript, I couldn't wait to apply. I have always loved learning about the world around me...
in regard to the arts and sciences. Since I was going into dance, I figured this program would be a great way to supplement my dance training with alternate courses that sparked my interest. I would also be introduced to like-minded and hardworking youth who had a passion for...
Along with my lengthy application, I had to submit two essays: one essay asking me who my favourite writer was and why, and another essay asking me what my favourite scientific discovery was and why. Naturally, I chose to write about Shakespeare (one of the only true...
inspirations of my life), and stem cells due to my love for alternate medicine, cures, and therapy. After submitting my application, I was so nervous and anxious. I wanted to get in so badly. Every molecule in my body wanted for this to happen. Then I received the e-mail.
I screamed, started to cry, called my mom and proceeded to have a dance party around my living room. I got in. Everything was working out for me. Upon entering my first class, I couldn't wait to see what the year would hold. The world, new ideas and thoughts, as well as...
ground-breaking theories were at my fingertips.
Unfortunately, this dream only lasted for so long. As time went by and my awakening process began, cracks started to appear in the program I had worked my butt off to get into. To make this long part of the story short, I figured...
out that my teacher was an ideologue, an anti-trumper, and to say the least, a communist. She is a history professor that doesn’t believe history repeats itself. Anyways, those experiences with my teacher and other classmates can be saved for another time.
As the winter...
semester began in 2020, things got worse. The readings became evermore transparent as I continued with my awakening process. From reading about the ‘delusions' of gender to deeming “the white man” bad forever, I slowly realized that my oh so special program was created by the...
cabal. With each reading, I could easily perceive what brainwashing was trying to be achieved and how. This program was slowly becoming my worst nightmare. But then, there was the proverbial nail in the coffin. The paper is called "Sexual Morality: The Cultures and Emotions...
of Conservatives and Liberals" by Jonathan Haidt and Matthew A. Hersh (both from the University of Virginia).
Of course the week I needed to complete this reading was extremely busy with homework and classes 😕 Anyways, as I sat down to get through some of the reading before...
my german class, I was definitely not prepared for the horrifying experience I was about to have that honestly shook me to my core and served as a turning point in my awakening process.
Here is the opening paragraph to give you an idea of what the paper is about:
"Political conservatives and liberals were interviewed about 3 kinds of sexual acts: homosexual sex, unusual forms of masturbation, and consensual incest between an adult brother and sister.
Conservatives were more likely to moralize and to condemn these acts, but the differences were concentrated in the homosexual scenarios and were minimal in the incest scenarios. Content analyses reveal that liberals had a narrow moral domain, largely limited to the “ethics of...
autonomy” (Shweder. Much, Mahapatra, & Park, 1997) while conservatives had a broader and more multifaceted moral domain. Regression analyses show that, for both groups, moral judgments were best predicted by affective reactions, and were not predicted by perceptions of...
harmfulness. Suggestions for calming the culture wars over homosexuality are discussed."
So I was being told right away that if an action, such as kissing someone as the same gender, does not harm another living being, this action should not be condemned or considered illegal.
Now, I am in no way, shape or form condemning homosexuality. I believe that when it comes to topics such as that, consenting adults should be able to make that decision for themselves and that that specific choice/action should not be made illegal. Homosexuality was not the...
issue I was grappling with. As I proceeded to read on, I came upon a very disturbing scenario that was being presented in the study in order to illustrate the 'no harm being done, therefore that action is okay' point:
"The second major finding of Haidt et al. (1993) was that...
moral judgments were generally best predicted by participants’ affective reactions (from the probe question: “If you actually saw [someone cleaning their toilet with the national flag] ... would it bother you or would you not care?”), rather than by their statements about harm...
or the consequences of the actions. This correlational finding fits with the observational finding that participants were generally very quick to condemn the violations, but when asked to provide justifications, they often had great difficulty. Participants would sometimes...
pause, stutter, and then offer a reason that seemed farfetched (e.g., “She shouldn’t clean her toilet with the flag because . . . um . . . it might clog up the drain”).
Haidt, Bjorklund, and Murphy (1999) dubbed this behavioural pattern “moral dumbfounding,”which is defined...
as “the stubborn and puzzled maintenance of a moral judgment without supporting reasons”. They brought participants into the laboratory, presented them with stories about harmless taboo violations (including consensual incest and harmless cannibalism of a body in a morgue), ...
asked for an initial judgment, and then argued with them. On these stories, when compared to a standard moral reasoning dilemma (Heinz dilemma; Kohlberg, 1969), participants showed a pattern of quick judgment, slow justification, frequently saying "I don’t know,” and...
frequently admitting that they could not find a reason to support their judgment."
At this point I began tearing up and proceeded to call my mom. I told her what I was forced to read that week, and that I absolutely could not finish. I tried to explain as best I could what I...
had just read and I then told her I had to quickly run off to my class, but that I would call her during my break. After my class was finished, I hurriedly dialled her number, walked into an empty area of the park nearby and proceeded to hysterically cry into my phone.
course that I had so desperately wanted to be a part of was telling me through a required reading that as a conservative, when presented with a harmless taboo violation such as "harmless" cannibalism of a body in a morgue, that I was "morally dumbfounding" because of my...
"strong emotion-backed intuitions" and my cultural upbringing. I was being told that "[i]n the absence of strong intuitions, [a person was] less stubborn and [was] more likely to change their [judgement] in response to facts about [a] case, such as harmlessness".
So the fact...
that I have conservative views, that I have a strong moral compass and that my values are not ever-changing, I am a moral dumb founder who is unable to reasonably justify why a certain act horrifies and disgusts me to my core. Apparently I am an individual who cannot be...
reasoned with because I demonstrate a moralizing attitude towards ‘taboo' situations and I condemn acts that are not 'particularly harmful'. That simply because I do not condone incest or cannibalism, I am a conservative who has been pressured by my cultural upbringing to...
condemn these “harmless [and] taboo violations" without really knowing why, or simply not having sound reasons to condone these actions. And that just because I do not condone eating my dead dog, my moral judgements are based on knee-jerk reactions, rather than the amount of...
harm that is being done. As I continued to relay my findings to my mom, I made some key revelations in that moment. Revelations about the cabal. The satanists. The pedophiles. Any other group who wishes to destroy what is sacred. How they want cannibalism to become an option...
when deciding what to make for dinner on a Thursday night. How they want me and my siblings to start having intercourse we each other because our 'instincts demand it'. How they want you to sit idly by when seeing someone masturbate with a dead chicken carcass, and then serve...
it to their dinner guests. How they want people to agree that when there is no ‘harm' being done to a living being, anything goes and falls under the realm of socially acceptable behaviour. All under the guise of this paper, that is covering the topic of how "to [calm] the...
culture wars over homosexuality".
What the hell does "calming the culture wars over homosexuality" have anything to do with eating a dead person's body in a morgue, cleaning my toilet with the national flag, or having intercourse with my brother? What happened to respecting...
the dignity of someone who has died? What happened to respecting the sanctity of family? What happened to respecting a flag that people died for in order to secure my freedom? It was then that I realized how far the cabal was willing to go. They had specifically created a...
course, picking only the "best and the brightest", in order to see how brainwashed we were, and how much we were willing to accept. So that eventually when we graduate and have the ability to make decisions that will have major impacts on society, we will be seamlessly...
carrying out their NWO agenda (without batting an eye). Not only are they seeing how far they can push things, they are also furthering the brainwashing that has been pushed upon every generation for centuries. It was at this point in time that I realized the cabal is...
real, what they do is real, and that they are trying to normalize these inhumane and downright horrendous actions and behaviours. Thankfully, I am allowed to leave this program and have done so.
So that was my red pill moment. That was truly the point where I had a ‘dark...
night of the soul’, so-to-speak. I realized that the cabal and their plans were directly affecting my life and that if I didn’t get out, I might get swallowed up. It was in those moments that I realized how bad things had gotten, and how important it was for me to take a stand...
and protect my mental health. I will forever be grateful for this reading and this program, otherwise I might not have waken up as quickly or at all. The first video down below is a quick summary by Jordan B. Peterson on what it is like to go to my university, and the second...
video is about how the cabal is trying to subvert gender and confuse the younger generations:
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