Since NO one else seems to be doing it, here is a strategy to save the country:

1. Mandatory masks, everywhere.

2. If you can do business outside and 6 feet apart, great, if not you’re closed.

3. Track and trace. Start by hiring trackers, this will offset all the job losses.
4. Spreading virus misinformation is illegal, $25,000 fine.

5. If you’re not wearing a mask, you best have a doctor’s note. Illegal to be in public without one. $25,000 fine.

6. New round of stimulus checks to families and individuals, every month until there is a vaccine.
7. Moratorium on rent until the end of the year

8. No school until January. Give parents extra money or deductions for the hardship of paying taxes for school and having to take care of them.

9. Mass ad campaign focusing on patriotism or masks and vaccines.
10. Social media sanctions and fines for companies allowing misinformation to spread. This includes anti-mask and anti-vax. No room for dumb cry babies.

11. Extend the unemployment financial lift.

12. Congress should expel members who are pro-virus
13. If there isn’t a dramatic decrease in cases, full lock down all cities. American UP and do your part.

There fixed it.
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