Every so often people complain that I post political things in PL circles. The thing is, I've noticed that the definition of what is "political" is itself a political decision.
This came up for the first time when I started The Identity Function. It was considered "political" for people to talk about same-sex partners. But researchers talk all the time about opposite-sex partners. Why was that not political?
Talking about gender diversity in PL has become for the most part nonpolitical. But talking about racial diversity in PL is still considered political. Why?
Why is it unpolitical to accept funding from any institution, but political to demand that people disclose funding sources?
Because of this, I've largely decided that it is not worth drawing the line between political and nonpolitical. It seems like a way to police change within our communities.
So I'll bring whatever politics I want into PL circles. Because our work is already inherently political. Nothing exists in a vacuum.
It is fine if people also do this, including people who disagree with me. Such is life! But if your politics include hateful views that put others at risk of serious harm, don't be surprised if you experience pushback.
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