When I went to high school in Sweden, it was mandatory for my school to go see Michael Moore's hit-piece on the 2nd amendment "Bowling for Columbine"

I didn't realise it back then, but as an impressionable teenager, after walking out of that cinema, I thought of Americans as...
Irresponsible gun loving maniacs.

Even though my uncles in Sweden also had license to own weapons, and I was trained by them in gun safety, and got to practice with AK-45, hunting rifle and shotgun as a 12 year old..

The propaganda STILL worked on me.
Today, as a grownup, it is 100% clear to me, that gun control, only serves criminals, and a government with plans of action that normal law abiding people would shoot them for.

The propaganda is not limited to Michael Moore, or just demonising gun ownership either... But not now
In Sweden, owning a gun in order to defend yourself from a criminal is not legal.
You can, through a lengthy process get a gun license for hunting or sport.

This is a graph

(all I found, if someone can find a more recent, post it)

about one particular crime on the rise..

But homicide and theft is also on the rise.

(Why is another topic)

The point I'm trying to make, is that owning a gun for self defence works and it's something people need to understand.

America's 2nd amendment march. Zero crime reported.

The problem is the propaganda.
Owning guns for self defence is demonised.

People have gradually accepted the idea that common sense and responsible use surrounding weapons, is not common.

We now find ourselves unarmed and helpless to defend our husbands, wives, and children against a rise in crime.
And in the midst of this new normal, we are not offered any real solutions that law abiding citizens feel safer with.

Instead we get more communist propaganda.

Oppose the narrative, and be called a "far right extremist".

Changing Sweden, to be pro-right to defend themselves
Is not an easy task.
The anti-gun narrative has been so effective, that changing laws so that the people have a right to own a gun for self defence, does not even seem like an option.

And that is how propaganda works.

It emotionally convinces you, that there is no other option.
One strong argument from me.

I'm convinced that the police departments in Sweden, who has had a rough couple of years, would love to see the good people able to defend themselves against crime, and rape, instead of having to deal with all of it themselves.

They work hard.
I'm going to end this thread with a link to a video of Josie explaining the 2nd amendment, and the benefits the people who have the right to defend themselves have.

If you have read this far, thank you for taking the time.

Stay safe! #svpol #guncontrol
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