Let’s put it out there, if you are healthy, whatever your age, your risk of dying from the #coronavirus is the same as from the flu.

If you are healthy and young, for you the #coronavirus basically doesn’t exist.

These are the facts...whether you believe them or not.
The statistics show that if you are healthy, your risk of dying from #COVID19 is extremely low.

This doesn’t mean that healthy people can’t die, this doesn’t mean that healthy people can’t have significant complications.

We are talking about the probability of occurrence.
Unlike the flu, the #coronavirus is focused on those who have underlying health conditions and/or are very frail due to old age. Here is what the CDC says:

The mainstream media loves to bring forth anecdotal #COVID evidence of individual tragedies. These are sad and terrible.

But, these anecdotes are not statistically significant data points when making decisions. The media and policians love anecdotes to drive unjust policies.
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