The way the lgtbq gatekeep the fuck out of bi women makes me very uncomfortable. Every day it’s like you have to show your “I have fucked a woman” and “I have dated women” mileage or else you’re faking it. It’s gross. And it makes me not even wanna talk about liking women.
Straight people already make bi people feel shitty and then on top of that the gay community does as well. Like oh poor me you’ll probably say but it just doesn’t sit well with me how people treat us.
And I’m not saying we have it worse than anyone or that every section doesn’t have their own shit going on. Like not at all. I’m just saying I don’t like the way bisexual women are constantly being forced to justify and show proof that we aren’t just faking it for attention.
You can be bi and never sleep with the same sex. For a number of reasons. You can be bi and not tell anyone. You can be bi and in a committed relationship with a man and never have done anything with a woman and still be bi. There’s so many variables that go into someone’s life.
Some people would be disowned by loved ones if they ever told anyone that they are bi so they bury it & date men. Some people aren’t ready to date a woman or maybe they found a man that they love and didn’t get the chance to. But they’re still attracted to women and that’s valid
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