As an ER doctor, I feel compelled to correct a dangerous & upsetting new talking point from @realdonaldtrump. Lately he's been "boasting" that while #COVID19 rates are soaring, *deaths* are not as high. This is extremely disturbing for a few reasons. (1/9)
First, it may not even be true. Death is a lagging indicator of #COVID19 cases, meaning we won't know how many people are dying as part of this current surge until 3-4 weeks later. (Plus, if deaths *are* down, it's partly because we know how to treat it better now). (2/9)
But here's the real point: #COVID19 is causing a ton of suffering & despair, even when there isn't death. Should we just discount that? Providing comfort & respite from pain is a huge role I fill in my patients’ lives. I wish @realDonaldTrump had a similar view of his job. (3/9)
Even if you survive, #COVID19 is still a serious illness for many. About 1 in 5 require hospitalization. Significant numbers end up in the ICU. Even with recovery, some of these patients go on to develop lung disease from scarring of the lungs. Should we just shrug at that? (4/9)
People with #COVID19 have increased risk of strokes, heart attacks & blood clots in the lungs. Some who recover end up with persistent decreased heart function. Kids have been shown to have higher risk of multi-system inflammatory syndrome. Should we just shrug at that too? (5/9)
And even those who are not ill enough to require hospitalization can have very serious symptoms. Fatigue, body aches, fever, and difficulty breathing keeps many out of work for 2-4 weeks. Many have fatigue and trouble breathing for weeks after that. (6/9)
Beyond saving the lives of those most at risk, I find value in limiting the number of people who contract the virus simply to limit the pain and suffering they must endure. This major goal of medicine should be reflected in the policies our leaders pursue. But they are not. (7/9)
By limiting the number of patients who end up hospitalized, we also ensure that resources needed for the care of others are available. People will continue to have heart attacks, appendicitis & motor vehicle crashes. But with full hospitals, their care is hindered. (8/9)
By limiting the suffering of patients & despair of loved ones, we maintain our humanity through the most trying of times. Our empathy is on display when we act on behalf of the welfare of our fellow man.

Isn’t this the least we should expect from our President? (/END.)
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