|| Srinivasa and Sheikh Mastan ||

Yeah, you have read it right. Here I am going to describe a cosmic drama that took place in 1982 in the most sacred Tirumala Hills.
In 1982, the TTD Board of Tirumala was celebrating its Golden Jubilee year. The Board with Sri P V R K Prasad as its Executive Officer (EO) held a meeting with top officials and Archakas to decide on what to do, to commemorate the completion of its 50th year.
After rounds of discussions they weren't able to decide what to do to make it memorable. While the meeting was going on, the EO came to know that a man was waiting outside to meet him. The EO asked him to come in and the man stood before the officials and started speaking.
"My name is Sheikh Mastan and am from Guntur. For many generations we have been devotees of Srinivasa. We recite Sri Venkateswara Suprabatham daily in the morning. We also recite Sri Vekateswara Stotram, Srinivasa Prapatti and Mangalasasanam. I can recite Srinivasa Gadyam fully.
Every tuesday we perform 108 nāma puja to Srinivasa at our home by placing one flower for each nāma. My paternal grandfather wanted to place 108 golden flowers at Srinivasa's Feet at Tirumala temple during the morning archana. But he was able to procure only few golden flowers.
My father gathered some during his lifetime. And I procured the rest and have collected 108 golden lotus flowers of 23 grams each.I kindly request you to accept those flowers and use it during 108 nāma puja and place them at His lotus feet. I now leave the entire decision to you"
The EO,with teary eyes,said,"Mastan garu,we are delighted to have such a devotee here.We shall accept these invaluable flowers but cannot assure of its usage in seva.That decision will be taken by the Board and requires time.But we will strive best to do so."
After a series of meetings that took place TTD decided to introduce a new Arjita Seva. During this seva, 108 Nāma of Srinivasa would be recited and for each nāma one golden lotus flower offered by Mastan family will be placed at His feet.
From then on, on every Tuesday, this Seva is performed at the Tirumala Hills. Eventoday, the same golden lotus flowers gifted by Mastan family is used and this Seva is known as Ashtadala Paada Padmaradana Seva.
समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रियः।
ये भजन्ति तु मां भक्त्या मयि ते तेषु चाप्यहम्।।(Bagavat Gita 9.29)

"The same am I to all beings; to Me there is none hateful nor dear; but those who worship Me with devotion are in Me and I am in them."

|| Aum Govindāya Namah ||
Source : "God on Call" book by Sri.Narrenaditya Komaragiri 🙏

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