Basically Busan art school specializes arts and the korean art school he attended is more public grading system so Jimin wasn’t allowed to transfer. He actually had to drop out of busan art to enroll in the other. He risked all this to be a trainee. A school he had bright future+
set. The school he enrolled as valedictorian. And it also said Jimin didn’t get any vocal lessons prior to debut. The vocal teacher stated he/she only taught jin, jk and tae. Jimin didn’t know he was debuting with bts until their debut day was announced.
It’s getting rts.Let me add more. Jimin started popping school in middle school. Started learning modern for entrance exam to busan art school. His parents couldn’t support both school financially so jm was abt the drop out of popping. But the academy didn’t want jm to waste his+
talent so they offered him to go free. He was first dance major to get accepted as top of its class in school history. He was first to be be chosen as first grader in high school to sent to international program to learn martial arts in China from the school
Jimin’s first vocal practice was with tracks in their debut album😂
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