A question I have about the Brexit border plan... how will exports to the EU work between January 2021 and July 2021? 1/ https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/899991/200713_BPDG_-_Border_Operating_Model_FINAL_1320_edit.pdf
We know how it works from July. It's on p.132 of the document. You get your reference number from the new GVMS IT system 2/
But before that? Today, a person familiar with the border plans said the new IT system wouldn't be ready for the period January - July, nor would it be needed.

(Michael Gove contradicted this in the Commons, when he said the new IT system will be ready on Jan 1) 3/
The person said lorries will still need export declarations to travel to the EU, but suggested there would be no system on the UK side to check if they have the right paperwork before arriving at the port.

They would just get on the ferry, and hit French customs 4/
... which seems to be the exact scenario the UK government is desperate to avoid.

So is the plan what is on p.131 of the document? You need `permission 2 progress' to the frontier from HMRC before moving your goods to the border? 5/
There's a lot of confusion on this point. And this is the key bit of the plan to avoid traffic jams around French/British ports on Jan 1.

Can anyone shed any light? cc'ing @SamuelMarcLowe @DmitryOpines @AnnaJerzewska @DavidHenigUK
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