With gym reopening in Ontario this Friday, I just want to say: I'm a science reporter who has been covering #COVID19 since January, and I will not be returning to the gym in 2020.
There is simply too much risk, especially because there is no funding or guidance for gyms to install enhanced air filtration.
The risk isn't just for me: it's for my partner, the apartment building I live in, the friends I see (even from a distance), the extended family I shop for.
If you *do* choose to go to the gym, please mask up and practice social distancing. Obey all the guidelines they give you.
If you don't, may I suggest having some fun to make up for it? I'm learning how to do pullups and stand on my head and jump rope like a boxer.
Re: some responses to this, if you have found a fitness routine that makes you feel good and works for you, I'm glad for you, but please don't try to advertise your fat-shamey businesses in my feed.
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