I'm compelled to say this (my own view): I live in one of the 'worst hit' areas in Leicester for the so called Covid 'spike' in the city. I was born and bred here and it's a place close to my heart. The media, gov., others, etc. who have no idea about the area and only have...
misconceptions about it (from what they think they know or from the very narrow 'research' about this side of the city) have quite freely and unfairly shone it in a bad light. This is not a tweet about the well reported factory situations (which is bad enough),but about those...
who live in the area. My area is home to a mixture of people: those who are below the poverty line or close to it and people who are better off and everything inbetween. Although largely 'Asian', people of various backgrounds live here, we are not all 'stupid' or...
'not following the rules' and we're not 'spoiling it for everyone else'. Yes there are some who don't 'follow the guidlines' (as in the rest of ther country), but there are many more who have and still do the 'right thing'. We're not walking around carrying this potentially...
deadly virus as some kind of invisable 'badge of honour' on purpose. The stats and the information on them are shocklingly dubious or missing. How's your average person meant to know what's going on, if those in charge are kept in the dark. People's lives and livelihoods are...
at stake here (as elsewhere), we're not some kind of experiment or playing pieces on a board game. We're very much concerned about our families, our community, our future too. This situation isn't a key to unlock or allow prejudice. None of us are immune to this. The virus...
is potentially lurking around every neighbourhood, every street, town or country. Those self-righteous people who have 'been following the guidelines' have also been effected. Please think before pointing fingers... #weareleicester #staysafe 🙏🏼
Some people are saying 'it's not us it's them' and using the word 'dirty' as though people in certain areas deserve better than others. When accurate and correct data isn't given by the gov., media,etc., this feeds into people's existing prejudices which then become vocalised.😔
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