THREAD: How do we know that masks are effective? Want proof, to show mask-skeptic friends? Here's a thread full of evidence.

It's medically unethical to do clinical testing in which we directly expose people to COVID-19 with & without masks. So scientists test other ways.
2. One of the ways scientists assess mask effectiveness is by looking at community spread in areas of the US before and after mask mandates are issued, such as in this study:
9. Another way is by running simulations (a.k.a. using scientific models) to predict the effect of maskwearing on COVID-19 spread:
10. This isn't everything, but it gives you a sampling of the ways scientists have determined that masks are protective. Cloth masks offer some level of protection - some more than others. None are useless.

Here is a helpful review of evidence:
@GilbertSundevil, you wanted to see the studies about mask effectiveness. I promised I'd show you the studies today. Here's a sampling of them.
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