My BD said it himself: men get credit for doing literally the bare fucking minimum. We go out together with Ava and it’s a whole new world. He was carrying her toy one day and this older black woman was like “omg such a good dad!” Girl we ain’t seen him in 3 years lmfao, go away.
Right after she left, he was like “See, I know people don’t applaud you when you out with her alone. And I know you don’t need it but still. She gave me so much for carrying a damn toy.” And I told him all I get asked when I’m out is “Where’s the dad?”
Even in the times where me and him didn’t get along, I kept hearing from people “Well at least he does this,” or “At least he trying.” Bitch idk about you but I’m not an “AT LEAST” ass parent. My baby deserves the absolute best. Keep that bare minimum shit.
And now that we have an agreement where he sends money regularly, he said it himself—he should provide for my household like he lives with us. He said me and Ava should BOTH be good financially AND he should be around and active. Whew, can we get an AMEN for growth?! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
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