since y'all love to talk about cultural appropiation and cancel every single person who doesn't know that's what they're doing, lemme explain to you why you don't know shit about the ✨ latinx ✨ community ; a thread
this'll probably be extremely messy because
-i'm disorganized af
-as i'm a FULL LATINA english is not my first language so i will probably have a mistake or two
-this is just me complaining because we're all tired so i might start rambling
first of all: what is a latino or latina? someone who was BORN in LATINAMERICA. seems like geography isn't the most important subject on school for y'all, so i'm leaving a photo that enlightens you on where latinamerica actually is ❤
as you can see, it's in the continent named america (not the country, because the actual country's name is "united states"). wait, what?! there's more latin countries besides méxico, puerto rico and cuba?! yes. latin america consists of 20 countries and 14 dependent territories.
this leaves us to our first complaint which is that y'all love to talk about latin culture but only seem to know about the mexican one, because it's the closest to you and where most immigrants came from. i understand that, but mexico culture is not every latin culture
as i said, there's more than 30 territories and each one, even though it shares some traditions with the rest, has a different culture. in argentina we drink mate and say the word boludo, in uruguay they do the same and in brazil they drink mate as well. mexicans don't +
+ and it's still "latin culture" because it comes from argentina, which is a LATIN country (don't even get me started on the ones who say that we aren't latinos because that's when i get real mad<3)
now, the next thing we need to talk about is why some of you think being latin is being loyal to its culture because your family raised you Like That, that being latin is dancing salsa, being obnoxiously loud, saying mamacita every two sentences and being ~less white~ than others
BEING LATINO IS BEING BORN IN LATIN AMERICA. if you were born in the U.S. you're one of the many gringos with latino ascendence and i'm not fucking invalidating anyone for saying this. we were all colonized by spain and immigrants came over here during the world wars +
+ and not because of that we're european. also, some of us CAN be white. why? because being latino is NOT a race, it's an ethnicity. (since y'all love google definitions, i'm leaving some over here). i, personally, am brown but that doesn't mean every single latino has to be.
going back to the ~soy latina hablo la idioma cocino la comida~ thingy, let me disappoint you again: not because you have a big ass and you know how to move your hips like shakira or your mexican parents gave you tacos as a child means you're latina.
latin america is actually a pretty awful place to live in. y'all see cancun and think we live in paradise but it's not like that at all. corrupt politicians, horrible healthcare and education system, extremely high prices for basic needs, racism, high inflation, homophobia... +
poverty, starving people, insecurity, the average amount of femicides in latin america as a whole is of one per two hours. being a latino is living like that CONSTANTLY. we don't have access to the stuff you do. some can be deported from your country. +
+ what you all consider "middle cass" most of us consider "high". YOU. ARE. PRIVILEGED. and definitely NOT latino latina latinx or however y'all like to call it. having latin parents ≠ being latino.
another thing is that being hispanic ≠ being latino. spaniards and most latinos are hispanic because we speak spanish, but spaniards are NOT latinos (their country colonized us and made us suffer for many many years so don't try to fight us on that one bc they're not oppressed)+
and, for example, brazilians aren't hispanic but they ARE latin because they were born in latin america. are you getting it now?
and now some of you nonlatin folks are yelling at other nonlatin folks for appropiating latino culture and you shut us up when we tell you that we don't give a fuck. we don't care about a button, as you saw in the replies. we have FAR more to worry about than a dumb button.
so yeah stop complaining about this shit and shielding yourself with the whole "i'm latinx!!!" excuse because you're not. now, let me repeat your favorite quote so you can apply it: ✨ EDUCATE THE FUCK OUT OF YOURSELF ✨ y cierren el orto manga de gringos privilegiados❤ the end.
si alguno quiere agregar algo es totalmente bienvenido. y si quieren putear también. aguante lataM CARAJO
denle views a mi reina irlandesa
sasha me estaba rompiendo los ovarios asi q stream
y yanella tambien pero ya no promociono nada más conchudas a vos te estoy hablando @ abigail
pero igual aguante messi la puta madre ahre
if u want to support a latina artist this is your moment~ just kidding... unless?
URUGUAY! our countries are fairly similar, but we're two different territories and some people need to understand that.
new addition!!
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