It is Normal for those who don't think so
Babies feed whenever and wherever. Mothers can't go to corners and hide each time. it is stupidity. My LO hates being covered up since beginning. Don't shame Mothers who feed. You're Vulgar and Demented and a criminal if you sexualize this in any manner
I dunno some of you hating me for this. cuz of demented mentality we're expected to feed in corners or loo or random stalls next to washrooms or hiding somewhere in dingy places when outside. thooo. daridra and dushTa buddhis.
Right Hand swollen. Back pain. Neck Pain. Been 18 months now. Bfeeding is not a happy thing or divine after the first few times. I want to run away. No Joke
And don't be cruel to bfeeding mothers. My own friends stopped breastfeeding early because they were embarassed about their kids asking for bm in public.
My DP is normal. Feeding is Normal. Woman all over the world feed Their babies in private n public because they want their babies fed. After a point women can't stay indoors n run indoors to feed, each time. Babies feed several times in the day n night. Don't be insensitive prick
I have struggled in public. to cover her to cover my self, sweating , feeling guilty for not being decent guilty for not being home when she was hungry. She'd play and I'd restrict her because she hated being put and in veil. I'd be shy and hope she'd fall asleep soon, feeding.
And today when I'm ready to wean her off, I feel bad. I feel bad for delaying the times I had to feed her. I'd rush home first . Because my LO loves to watch, play n bfeed. The anxiety I had wasn't a Joke. No Mother should feel that.
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