
Originally intended to do The GRAND THREAD:- Khilafah vs Democracy , postponed it for Defending MIAW. ( how can we have khilafah while we slander a great Shaykh) Let's end this ONCE & FOR ALL
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Refuting the first notion: MIAW is from Najd! Prophet(ﷺ) connected Najd to dajjal. So MIAW is a Dajjal!

This racist notion comes from a hadith about najd:

Firstly, this hadith is narrated by Abdullah Ibn 'Umar. Let's see what his son, Salman ibn Abdullah ibn 'Umar understood by his father's narration on "najd" : he understood IT AS IRAQ!

Here's how Imam Albani refuted this propoganda by Raafidis that "east" refers to house of Aisha()! And the propoganda of their useful idiots #sushis who said "east" refers to Najd in Arabia!
[Source: as-Silsilah as-Saheehah (no. 2494, 5/655) ]
Dont trust Salafi scholars? Dont! Here's what Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī , the legendary Shafii Ashari scholar who wrote Fath-ul-Bari [the most celebrated hadith commentary] Can any Sunni discredit Fath-ul-Bari?? Is Ibn Hajar a "vohoobi"?

And more importantly, MIAW is a Tamimi! Rasoolullah() said that Tamimis are "the bravest among the people in battlefield" and will be "strongest opponents of Dajjal" !!! Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab Al-Tamimi if anything,fought the Dajjals of his time!
The opponents slander the Shaykh as mass-takfiring Ahlussunna and saying that their Deen isnt complete if they dont do Hijra to his Dawla!

Truth: Shaykh himself clarifies that he doesnt even make takfir on those who literally worship idols!👇👇👇
Shaykh's response to those who accused him of "invalidating the books of the 4 mad'habs", who accused him of saying that "people has been nothing upon Islam for 600 years" & of "takfiring ones who do Tawassul"
Accusation that Shaykh was against the 4 mad'habs:

FACT: Shaykh himself was a Hanbali.

Shaykh ‘Abd Allah, the son of MIAW himself, clarifies this in his treatise "Al-Hadiyyah al-Suniyyah"[page 50]

They only opposed blind Taqleed when it clearly was against Sunnah
Next slander: MIAW was against Tasawwuf! He takfired sufis and hated them!

Reality: His main teacher was Muhammad Hayyat ibn Ibrahim al-Sindhi, a Naqshbandi Sufi from indian subcontinent! The Da'wah of Tawheed existed in Sindh before MIAW!


The Shaykh praises Tasawwuf(which he described as "science of Suluk") and Sufis, who adhere to the Sunnah piously.

This is a person who said: " “From among the wonders is to find a Sufi who is a faqih...." !!!!

(Can you imagine!)

Many of his writings emphasises piety in accordance with the Sunnah, just like Tasawwuf. For example this:👇👇
Infact Shaykh Abdullah, son of MIAW clarifies that he and his father highly revered Tasawwuf.

But they make it clear that they would be harsh against khurafat(superstitions),shirk,bidah and greek philosophising in the name of Tasawuff. [These are against sharia]

Infact all the imams who influenced him Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzi, etc were Sufis!

Infact,the position of MIAW on Tasawwuf was the exact same position as that of Ibn Taymiyya.

People who are trying so hard to differentiate between Ibn Taymiyya & MIAW should take note:

Then why do Ahlul Bid'ah[nowadays] try to differentiate between Ibn Taymiyya and MIAW?[they hate Ibn Taymiyya actually]
Because MIAW is the actual flag-bearer of Ibn Taymiyya's Manhaj As-salafiyya!
If you check their works Majmoo Al-Fatawa & Durar-as-saniyya,they are same!

MIAW's statement: "My teachers never knew Tawheed until me!"

-Again he was referring to other teachers of Arabia (other than Muhammad Hayyat Al-Sindi) who were bathing in quboorism & shirk akbar! You need to consider Arabia of that time. People were worshipping caves!
People were worshipping trees,placing idols over graves, worshipping them,doing istighaza to dead!The level of shirk at that time in Arabian Peninsula🤮above all was the threat of shiism!Shaykh single-handedly united Arabian ppl under the banner of Tawheed &demolished shiism

Infact Ottomans themselves were responsible for the spread of shiism in iraq! After a decade after the death of MIAW, the Saudis invaded iraq and demolished shia shrines at karbala. The Ottomans came: TO DEFEND THE RAFIDA!

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shia_Islam_in_Iraq

More details on how Ottomans were responsible for the spread of shiism:👇👇👇🤮 https://twitter.com/hafizfarook/status/1272204496823709697

Now imagine if Ottomans actually were able to conquer Arabian Peninsula! The luxurious degenerate european Sultans living in Istanbul might actually have let entire Arabian Peninsula itself fall into shiism, if not for Salafiyya!

Pic: A typical Ottoman Sultan👇🤮🤮
Despite all this. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab himself did not rebel against Ottoman empire.

This false notion can be refuted very easily. NAJD WAS NOT A PART OF UTHMANI EMPIRE DURING THE ERA OF MIAW.

No Ottoman governor was appointed over that region
Before responding let me mention the mention the fact that the Shaykh believed that hearing and obeying the leaders of the Muslims was obligatory, whether they are righteous or immoral. He was against khurooj! This is Salafi/Sunni fiqh!

See:👇👇 (Shaykh himself clarifies)

The First Saudi State, emirate of Dariyyah was established in 1157 A.H (1744 C.E) when the marriage between Muhammad bin Saud's son, Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad, and the daughter of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab helped to seal the pact between their families.
The Shaykh did takfir on his opponents only after proof was established against them. i.e, [Takfir Ain] - On an individual basis.
That is, when the Mufti of Ottoman empire at that time[who promoted quboori paganism] and proof was established against him, Shaykh takfired him
As for takfir Was/Takfir Mutlaq (which is not a takfir based on personality but attributed to one's actions), Shaykh only did it to those soldiers who were coming to fight him over SHIRK! (after proof was established against them)

Takfir Mutlaq doesnt make blood halal
And when Shaykh came to know that some of his soldiers killed Muslims, he actually condemned this. It is in his works! All these are in sources above👆👆
What ISIS, AQ, hezbollah etc all share in common is Qutbi-khurooji ideology of #sushi rioting!

These groups have nothing to do with Salafiyya!

Infact ISIS comprises of asharis, maturidis, modernists, etc

The only people who actually hate MIAW are quboori istighaza goofis who promote shirk akbar!

I was taught this quboori curriculum. According to them, Dhahiris,Atharis,Salafis are out of the fold of Ahlussunnah!

So who does Hizbiyyah, these qubooris or Salafiyya?

End of thread. I hope people are by now clarified of the various rumours and slanders spread against Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab Al-Tamimi(رَحِمَهُ ٱللّٰهُ) .

Insha'Allah my next thread, Democracy vs Khilafah!😇🔥

Allah promises Khilafah to only those who are righteous (Read Qur'an 24:55)

How shall Muslims be blessed with Khilafah when we slander a Muwahhid Shaykh day & night (beleiving the lies of kuffar like shias?)

So I really thought I should give priority to this thread
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