Igbo men 🤝 “I have your type at home” 🤝 demanding male children 🤝 grabbing their dead brother’s property and throwing his widow out 🤝 preventing their own widowed mothers from remarrying 🤝 killing their nurse wives abroad 🤝 stopping their wives from working/earning more.
Anytime you see a family with children in this order “👧👧👧👧👧👧👦” I guarantee you 95% that it’s an Igbo family and they were just ‘trying’ for a male child.
There’s a reason why Igbo men are the most opposed to the elimination of the bride price culture. They would rather die than accept that their women aren’t mere property to be sold and bargained for.
Igbo women too 🤝 abusing their ‘maids’ 🤝 abusing their children 🤝 giving their sons special treatment and being overbearing on their daughters 🤝 demanding male children from their daughters-in-law 🤝 Umu Ada torturing widows 🤝 all-round internalised misogyny.
It’s really amazing how Igbo women are some of the strongest and most successful women I know yet their internalized misogyny is so deep. The original patriarchy princesses.
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