My mom got a pulse oximeter.

She asked me to put a mask on and check to see how my blood oxygen lowers.

I put a mask on at 98% oxygenation, and it stayed at 98% while I told her that as a former nurse she should fucking know better.
She took tests on this stuff. She had thick textbooks on this stuff. She got hired to know this stuff. She got paid to know this stuff. She worked with people who spent hours wearing masks.

Youtube literally wiped out 15+ years of being a medical professional.
I could maybe get a semiliterate shitstain thinking that.

But she was literally a nurse, paid for years to understand things like blood oxygen, blood sugar. Paid to wear masks for hours at a time if necessary.
Her brain is so rotted by nazi youtube that I wouldn't trust her to put a fucking bandaid on a papercut anymore.
It's wild that 8+ hours a day of youtube can so completely wipe out a *literal career* of medical knowledge. A whole career, just turned into a shit-covered hamster spinning on a wheel in someone's skull.
Her oximetry reading is about 92%, due to her COPD. If it dips 7% lower she needs to be hospitalized.

She will, absolutely, die when she gets covid. Which she will, because she can no longer understand the germ theory of disease.
Years ago, she made clear that she no longer believes in evolution.

"But you were a nurse. You know why people need to take a full course of antibiotics. You took tests on it. You saw what happens when people don't. You have seen MRSA."

"that's just micro-evolution."
I cannot overstate that she was an RN. She took college courses, she got hired, she got paid, to understand the basics of modern medicine. She's smelled C Diff. She's intubated people. She's kept charts.

All of that knowledge and experience is gone.
It's gone, as surely as if she had alzheimers. It's been replaced with whatever nonsense the last angry guy in sunglasses screaming at his camera from his driver's seat screamed.
It's gone, replaced with
And this is someone who was *paid* to understand basic shit about human health.

Imagine what youtube autoplay is doing to boomers with no medical degree or experience.
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