i had the opportunity when i was a sophomore in college to work on 100 years of beauty for a content web company called cut. i had written 2 essays that same year on palestinian clothing and beauty and the political influences. i had reached out to cut offering my services 1/ https://twitter.com/bintelharam/status/1282471066078777346
since i heard they were working on a 100 years of palestine beauty. they took me up on my offer and i was offering my research and correcting any mistakes they had on the two looks they needed help with. i provided them with a lot of material and resources for said looks
after the video was published they informed me and credited me in the video discription on contributing to the research. i told everyone i knew, i became friends with the model representing Palestine, my dad told everyone in his family proud of the work ive done.
they even told me i could include it on my resume since i assisted with research. it wasn’t until recently i went to the video again to look back at the work i did over my undergrad career(either personal work OT academic work) that i saw my name and credentials removed
im very upset because it’s more than the credentials. it was the fact i told them raw and emotional stories about the own women in family living under occupation/as refugees, etc. i showed them family photos & everything. i was fine with not being included on the bts research vid
and to have my credentials removed is a slap in the face. it’s insulting to me as a palestine woman but also insulting to every woman in my family who’s stories I shared to them.
i guess point of the story is don’t do any work with cut
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