1- (thread) Apparently,Slavery was the white people of the western world's fault. Let's talk the facts of slavery and see if that is correct.

North Carolina's in 1860 had 171 Black slave owners. The largest was a black plantation owner named William Ellison with 63 slaves.
Black slavery in the US. 4-6%(300k) of African slaves went to America. Majority went to Brazil / Caribbean /Arab communities. African slavery in America lasted 246 years from 1619 to 1865.
American Indians owned thousands of black slaves. 3500 as the 19th Century began
The Portuguese in the 16th century were the first to participate in the Atlantic slave trade.The first African slaves sold to British colonies were indentured servants, continued from the Irish and British slaves.
The vast majority of African slaves came from West and Central Africa. They were sold by other West Africans.
In 1830 there were 3 775 free black people in America that owned 12 760 black slaves.
In America during the 1650's, one of the first legal slave owners was Anthony Johnson, a black tobacco farmer.
In Americas from the 1630's until the American revolution between 50 and 67% of white immigrants were indentured servants. A now banned form of slavery. They came from Britian, Ireland and British North America
Between the 8th and 15th centuries Muslim spain imported white Christian slaves. another 30 000 Spanish Christians were captured into slavery.
Between the 16th and mid 18th century was the Barbary slave trade of white Europeans. The enslavement of between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans into Muslim communities.
Slavery in Yemen was abolished in 1962, which has been happening since the 13th century. It is still happening despite this. In 2012 13.6% of children aged 5 to 14 were found to be in slavery. In 2010 a judge in Yemen approved the transfer of a slave from one owner to another
Slavery in Mauritania was finally criminalized in 2007 itself estimated that 20% of the population are still in conditions of slavery/ bonded labour
from the 7th century until the 1960's the Arab slave trade continued in one way or another. An estimated 17 million people from Africa were sold into slavery.
Afghanistan slavery was banned in 1923. It went on for many more years where some Hazaras were kept as slaves by the Pashtuns
China in the Tang dynasty enslaved Persians, Koreans, Turks, Indonesians through kidnapping. Indian and Black African slaves were purchased.
In the 20th century, the Japanese army used millions of civilians and prisoners of war as forced labour during the second Sino-Japanese war and the Pacific War
Approximately 5.4 million Koreans were conscripted into slavery. 670k of then were sent to Japan and 60k died between 1939 and 1945 due to exhaustion.
18 https://twitter.com/SandraSentinel/status/1280970596290105345?s=19
19 https://twitter.com/D_B_Harrison/status/1279520303022931968?s=19
20 https://twitter.com/SkepticalHusky/status/1281208883621629953?s=19
21 https://twitter.com/AfricaStoryLive/status/1281106163124391937?s=19
22 https://twitter.com/DavidJHarrisJr/status/1281018982535852033?s=19
During the atlantic slave trade
200 000 African slaves were bought by Mexico.
Between the 8th and 10th centuries European slaves (Norse slaves were mainly from England) were captured by Danish Slave trade. This was abolished once Denmark became a Christian country in the 10th century.
transatlantic slave trade by Denmark - Norway started in 1671 until 1848, despite being abolished in 1803. The countries ships transported 2%of African slaves, around 100k.
Sweden between the 6th and 11th centuries raided and captured British Isles and Irish slaves. This was not formally abolished until 1335
Sweden engaged in smaller slave trade of African slaves during the 17th and 18th centuries. This was abolished in 1813
Slavery in Russia was ended in 1861. Slaves were referred to as Kholopy. Russian slavery did not have racial restrictions. Russian girls, Germans, Lithuanians and poles were allowed to be sold.
today Poland still has forced labour, until recently people from North Korea were forced into labour. Many trafficking victims today come from Bulgaria and Ukraine and are forced into sexual slavery
in 2018 Africa was recorded as the highest rate of modern day enslavement around the world. An estimated 9.2 million Africans live in servitude.
in 2003 around 1000 Ethiopian girls aged between 10-18 were trafficked into slavery to countries of the Middle East, mainly into prostitution.
In Ghana among the ewe people, a family may be punished for an offence by having to turn over a virgin female to the offended family to serve as a sex slave. Shrine slavery still exists today, despite being illegal since 1998
UN officials found Madagascar still has domestic servitude and forced labour today. They identified children as being the most vulnerable, enslavement in mining, sexual exploitation or servile marriages.
Mauritania now has a system by which Arab-muslims can own black slaves. An estimated 600 000 or 20% of the Mauritanians are still enslaved, many used as bonded labour
In Sudan slavery still continues since the resurgence in 1983. Christian slaves are still sold. Their Muslim captors claim Islamic law grants them permission
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