It’s been right in front of us the entire time! Trump is setting the stage to activate ]]NESARA[[!!!

I’m going to thread together what NESARA is & how (IMO) this has been the end game! ✨

(All views my own, lil long but worth the read!) 👍🏼


NESARA/GESARA is abbreviated for (National/Global Economic Security & Reformation Act).

Passed in 2000 by Congress, it enacts the U.S. corporation to return to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I will break down the Act by its subsections along with current habbenings now...👇🏼

Is #NESARA even real?

Passed in 2000 but never enacted, then suppressed by the NWO & George Bush to continue on with the NWO agenda. The following year one of the greatest false flags occurred leaving it set aside. A Deep cleaning was needed to enact this bill.. 👇🏼

As Trump drains the swamp it is becoming more clear we are drawing toward this outcome (IMO). I will breakdown the act & you can be the judge yourself if we are going into the golden era known as NESARA!?
This is an outline of NESARA...👇🏼
Let’s dive into #NESARA! 🏊🏼‍♂️

Subsection 1 - (Forgives Credit Card, Mortgage & other Bank debt due to illegal banking)

So this week @TommyG revealed something huge, the above financial subjects are actually rolling back as we speak! Is this the beginning of repaying back American citizens? Take a look!👇🏼

Subsection 2 (Abolishes income tax)

Under NESARA income tax would be abolished as it is illegal under the constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Trump has already stated that he wishes to get rid of the income tax! It’s a start...👇🏼 https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trump-tax-plan/amp/

Subsection 3 - (Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate ‘non essential’ new items only sale tax)

Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food & medicine will not be taxed nor will used items such as old homes. 👇🏼

Subsection 4 - (Increases Benefits to senior citizens)

Trump has already watched our elderly be dessimated during COVID19. He has passed laws specifically protecting them. Social security is also staying steady on the US debt clock showing that SC is secured for elderly. 👇🏼

Subsection 5 - (Returns Constitutional Law)

Pretty self explanatory, President Trumps whole presidency he has made it a point that he will follow only the constitution. Also judges he appoints are what? Constitutionalist! He is making it known Constitutiom is Supreme law! 👇🏼

Subsection 6 - (Establishes new Presidential & Congressional elections after NESARA enacts)

We’ve all been waiting patiently for Trump to drain the swamp. We know FISA brings down the House as well. What if Trump enacts NESARA enabling us to elect him & #MAGA congressman? 👇🏼

Subsection 7 - (Monitors elections & prevents illegal election activities or special interest groups)

VOTER ID, DHS in 2018 monitoring the midterms... Making sense & adding up? Everything Trump is pushing is right here in NESARA law! Trump talks VOTER ID daily! 👇🏼

Subsection 8 - (Creates new US Treasury currency backed by Gold, silver & precious metals)

This was one of Q’s biggest drops confirming to us that we were on our way back to the ‘Gold Standard’. Trump has appointed people at the Fed as well who wish to return to Gold! 👇🏼

Subsection 10 - (Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank system in alignment with Constitutional law)

BOOM! Maybe the biggest indicator that Trump is aiming for NESARA is from the financial aspect of things. Back in March who just took control of the Federal Res? Conincedence?👇🏼🏦

Subsection 11 - (Eliminated the Federal Reserve System)

I will be doing a follow up post later about why the Fed is illegal in the U.S., but Trump knows that he is regaining us our sovereignty. In order to do that he must END THE FED! Follows right along with NESARA! 👇🏼

Subsection 12 - (Restores financial privacy)

Everything that you do, even if you are unaware of it. Is traceable through your taxes, purchases, your home, children, health. The Government can see everything by spying on its citizens through the IRS! Who abused the IRS? 👇🏼

Subsection 13 - (Retrains all judges & attorneys in Constitutional law)

Well we won’t have to retrain half of them because of POTUS! However look at the 9th Circuit, look at Judge Sullivan. The Judicial Branch has become a political weapon never intended to be that way! 👇🏼

Subsection 15 - (Establishes Peace throughout World)

Prime examples: North Korea, Russia, [Iran Next]. Trump has brought Peace throughout the world alone by defeating Hillary & stopping the 16 year plan! He made peace on the Korean Peninsula! He has said he wants 🌎✌🏼!!👇🏼

Subsection 16 - (Initiates first phase of Worldwide prosperity & distribution of wealth that’s been accumulated)

1 major thought pops to mind here! His Executive orders seizing assets of people involved in crimes against humanity! How many trillions made illegally? Cont...

Seizing trillions of dollars he could begin projects restoring peace throughout the entire world! He has always said he has to save his country first, but is willing to help the world! Do our actions he is taking here not have a direct positive effect on the world as well?👇🏼

Subsection 17 - (Releases enormous sums of money for Humanitarian purposes)

Giving the world their sovereignty back & then helping the world turn into a better place directly ties into defeating the Cabal! Once done, the whole world can prosper again due to our leader!🇺🇸👇🏼

Subsection 18 - (Enables the release of new technology such as free energy & cures)

Probably the 2nd most important one that Q has dropped & let us known about! Cures exist! Free Energy has been suppressed! Trump will Declas it in due time! All part of NESARA law again!👇🏼🤯

You be the judge of NESARA law? Think for yourself! 🤙🏼

IMO I see a lot of pieces lining up directly with what #QAnon & Pres Trump have been telling us.

Maybe the plan has been “NESARA”? Maybe I’m completely wrong!
Maybe they’ve taken pieces of it to implement?


All I know is I trust the plan that POTUS has laid out for us & am grateful for all the sacrifices he has made for us to be a truly free nation again! Thank you @realDonaldTrump & Q Team! Thanks for reading! Remember as well;



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