For literally the first time in my decade long career, and even in the careers of every single carrier in my office, including 40 year vets, we are being given orders to DELIBERATELY. DELAY. FIRST. CLASS. MAIL. Not just your credit card bills or magazines, but packages and checks
This is unprecedented. USPS has, for all its failings and troubles, always been first and foremost about pushing out every single piece of mail we can every single day. The only directives we've ever had counter to that have been to hold bulk mail for a day to speed up 1st class
On an EXTREME rare occasion, we have simply run out of hours in the day to get something delivered with our staff, and brought back things as late as 12:00 or 1:00am when delivery was simply too dangerous, and staffing too low. We have NEVER delayed mail with staff available
It is antithetical to the premise of the entire agency: Every. Address. Every. Day.
Now, in a futile effort to curb overtime (which could be addressed be hiring additional staff, or better training new staff to reduce turnover), we are simply saying "the people of the US will simply have to deal with indefinite delays for their mail."
This serves NO legitimate purpose to the agency other than to destroy customer confidence and make it easier to sell off the postal service. Many Americans may not notice the disruption, but many millions more, including small businesses, rely on DAILY interaction.
We do not just deliver mail. The carriers routinely pick up dozens, if not hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of daily pieces of mail from their routes, depending on season. Mom and Pop etsy shops, big box retailers, and everything in between, get daily pickups.
Now, at the behest of Louis DeJoy and his halfwit posse of sycophants, these people will be arbitrarily cutoff. Not only NOT getting daily guaranteed service, but not even being certain of WHEN that service will come.
Realistically, every carrier knows there are folks around their office who abuse OT. But as the directives above incorrectly suggest, we are not generally using OT to accomplish "basic" everyday tasks. Our routes are measured for 8hrs on a normal day. Not every day is "normal"
If my route average 65 parcels, 1600 letters, 300 magazines/flats, and 0 every door direct mailers, and I come in on a Monday and those numbers are suddenly 115/2900/750/2, I'm sorry, but 8 hours isn't happening, and that's just plain reasonable.
So if that route is now going to take me 9.5 hours for the day, the directive is stating that every house after the 8 hour mark, 1.5hrs worth, is just not getting delivered. That could quite easily be more than 200 deliveries depending on delivery method. Just cut off.
So what happens to it? It's brought back to the office, and the carrier will begin his NEXT day picking up where he left off, before starting Tuesday's deliveries. And if Tuesday happened to be above average volume? Welp, now he's gonna be bringing back TWO hours of mail
The issue will simply snowball, until the rare day pops up where there is a considerably LOWER volume of mail, and the carrier may have 30-45 minutes worth of "undertime" to alleviate some backlog.
So what happens if you live near the end of someone's route? Well, I certainly hope you weren't mailing out something that needed to be postmarked, or that your small business doesn't thrive off guaranteed time deliveries. I REALLY hope your outgoing mail wasn't your taxes.
And if you think all of this isn't bad? Many of the larger urban offices throughout the country, and even in rural areas are understaffed. 100+ routes, and 80ish carriers to carry them. Those 20 extra routes? Even assuming you have some non-career employees, they won't be enough
So you may literally end up with entire undelivered routes in offices. Whole swaths of a city, just sitting back in the office, waiting for a light enough day for this mail to get delivered by additional help that was temporarily reassigned.
To beat a dead horse, you could VERY easily solve much of our financial burden by repealing 2006's PAEA. You could hire more employees to fill staffing and delivery needs, which would also reduce OT.
Some directives in these memos, such as pushing carrier start times to better align with when clerks have finished morning distributions, absolutely make sense. As does removing people from temporary detail assignments to keep them where they are needed.
But this blanket smashing of OT, just because it offends your principles that someone might be making a little extra money for extra work? It's smashing a square peg into a round hole. And there's no way a career businessman doesn't know that.
This is deliberate. This is sabotage. This will DESTROY the Postal Service as generations of Americans have known it. If you care ONE iota about the integrity of this CIVIL SERVICE (NOT a business), please, for the love of god, help us #SaveThePostalService
If you're asking how to help, contact your congresspeople and tell them to pressure our OIG to investigate curtailment of mail. If you're voting Biden, demand that he fill the vacancies on our Board of Governors so they can remove DeJoy.
You can follow @DingusJMcGee.
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