When we first moved to the U.S., one of my teachers told me that I was pronouncing my own name wrong and it was supposed to be pronounced "Nay-o-me" and basically renamed me. I'm here now to say that my name is actually pronounced "Now-me" as my parents intended. 🧵1/6
I've introduced myself as "Nay-o-me" for so long and never correct people. Outside of my close friends, family, people typically don't pronounce my name correctly, and I never really bothered to do anything about it. 2/6
When I was younger and my parents would correct other kids and adults, I'd actually get made fun of A LOT (by both) because it was "strange" or "hard to pronounce," so I would actually get embarrassed when my parents and friends said my name correctly in public. 3/6
Albert, one of my best friends from high school and my family would always keep pushing me to introduce myself correctly and correct people, but I just never had the confidence and didn't want the hassle. I'm pretty over that now. 4/6
And because I know people will say "Well why is it spelled that way then?" It's only in the US that I've had people pronounce it "Nay-o-me" so I actually don't think it's that unique of a pronunciation worldwide. Also, I didn't pick the spelling. 5/6
TL;DR my name is pronounced "Now-me" not "Nay-o-me"
No worries if you said it wrong, There's a 100% chance I introduced myself wrong because of weird internalized hangups. I'm working on it. 6/6
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