Okay. Here's the promised 🧵about why mocking people for problematic things, even if they're bad people, is still problematic:
I'm scrolling my timeline & I see one of my mutuals gleefully mocking Trump because of something in his niece's book about his lack of bowel control. I say, what's so funny about that? I'VE had issues with bowel control before. You say, oh, I didn't mean YOU. I only meant (1/9)
Trump, because he is terrible. The thing is, You DID mean me. You seized on that particular characteristic for a reason, and the reason is because you see it as demeaning. When you insult a particular attribute of someone, you are implying that the attribute in question is (2/9)
Inherently bad and worthy of mockery. There is no way around that. Otherwise, why would you mention it at all? This is why racism against Candace Owens is still racism. Why queermisia against Lindsay Graham is still queermisia. Why misogyny against Melania Trump is still (3/9)
Misogyny. And why ableism against Donald Trump is still ableism. People in your life that share those characteristics that you are ridiculing will see that and say, is there something wrong with that? And you can't get away with saying well, only when it affects that person (4/9)
Because they're bad. Why? Because then you start veering into respectability politics. You're saying, I will refrain from mentioning your disability/race/orientation/gender as long as you are well-behaved. But if I disagree with you, it becomes fair game. This might seem (5/9)
Acceptable because you see me as a good person, so I am not in danger of being the butt of your ableist/queermisic/sexist jokes. The problem with that, though, is that not everyone sees me that way, and you have now tacitly signalled your approval for anyone who disagrees (6/9)
With my poltics to come after me for these other things. So, when you question Trump's competence based on your perception of his physical or cognitive abilities, you also question mine. Imagine how this feels for multiply marginalized people - LGBTQ+ and disabled Black (7/9)
Women, for example - who are surrounded by this negative messaging day in and day out from people that are ostensibly on their "side". The implicit message that if you put a toe out of line, it's open season on any of those marginalized characteristics. And then maybe (8/9)
Consider that Trump's rampant corruption, racism, queermisia, and general disregard for human life are more relevant to his fitness for office than his bowel control. (9/9)
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