Let's make sure we open with an untruth:

"Unlike others, the waste management industry hasn’t significantly changed since the invention of the garbage truck in 1937"
I mean, it's not like we have automated pickup, underground trash can compactors, high-tech incinerators, waste heat recovery...

Or widespread recycling.
"Fill level measurements and important bin events are sent to the IOTA Tangle. The data is stored in a permissionless and tamperproof way, creating immutable audit trails and transparency throughout the waste management process."

Just no.
This data doesn't need an immutable audit trail beyond which an API and database can provide.

And it ignores the problem that the sensor node data can still be tampered with prior to being put on the tangle!
TLS provides for secure data transfer.

And trust.

Trust is ENTIRELY absent from Iota.
So does a database.
It's no more zero fee than... TLS.
This blog does nothing to actually say why Iota is a good fit here.

For an IoT device to work with IoT it also needs other communication channels and cryptographic material. TLS for communication you don't want on the tangle. Secure boot keys. Firmware signing keys.
It's just stone soup.
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