1/ Morneau's daughter got her job at WE Charity on her own

That is not the conflict of interest he faced

It wasn't how she got the job, it was the fact a letter was sent, including him as an addressee, from the Emergency Coalition of Canadian Charities (including WE Charity)
2/ In it, they were warned;

"Without immediate support from the GoC, most CDN charities will be forced to lay off substantial numbers of employees..."

In fact, the threat of employee layoffs is mentioned multiple times in the letter.

3/ The PM has confirmed the final approval was done in cabinet and as far as we know NO ONE recused themselves, not even Morneau.

If you read the letter, you will see that this student volunteer program doesn't even come close to what the 150+ charities were asking for.
4/ It only provides some volunteers, & none of the overhead & expenses, highlighted in the letter as detrimental to all of the charities
Such as their abilities to meet payroll & avoid layoffs.

It does, however, provide that cashflow for the organization chosen to administer it.
5/With the letter in mind, this is where the conflict of interest arises for Morneau.
If WE Charity didn't get that contract his daughter, based on the letter, was at great risk of losing her job
That is why Morneau should have recused himself from any final decisions in cabinet
6/ When I see these letters I wonder if they all even read the letter before backing it

"To sustain trust in our operations, we do not carry large financial savings, investments, or credit sources."

$48M in real estate, much of it unoccupied & "under renovation", doesn't count?
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