15 warning signs someone’s anxiety is setting in; a thread.
1. appearing ‘zoned out’
2. snapping at something small
3. they’ve become impatient
4. struggling to make eye contact
5. they need more reassurance
6. avoiding making plans about the future
7. wanting to leave an event early
8. pressured speech
9. concentration difficulties
10. hypersensitive to noises
11. ‘protective’ mannerisms (eg, stroking their arms)
12. struggling to sit still
13. shortness of breath
14. pacing back and forth
15. dryness in mouth/tightness in throat
most importantly, remember everyone’s anxiety is different! please take care of ur friends during this time, especially ur black friends in social situations. give them reassurance, tell them they’re gonna be okay, comfort them. look out for ur friends & family. stay safe <3
all credits go to this page!! make sure to give them a follow https://instagram.com/realdepressionproject?igshid=er199ev0msnu
You can follow @godlyouth.
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