if you’ve been in a relationship where your partner withheld communication as a punishment (form of emotional manipulation) you might be prone to anxiety if your next partner doesn’t respond to you, subconsciously thinking they are “punishing” you. when they’re probably just busy
but it’s also good to be aware of red flags and understand what is manipulation and where their true intentions are. consider leaving if you sense abusive patterns returning in your relationships.
in my last relationship if my partner was mad at me, he wouldn’t tell me. he would leave, ignore me, withhold affection/attention, and leave me wondering what i did wrong. meaning in my next relationship i had to unlearn that
and you might also learn to silence yourself if your ex would punish you for communicating your issues with the relationship. you were so afraid of them being mad at you that you never wanted to speak. and that can carry over to the next relationship even if you dont mean to.
it’s not your fault. they emotionally abused and manipulated you and turned you into a shell of yourself. you can heal from this. you can learn to be free in a healthy, loving relationship. it just takes time and understanding from both partners.
if you can, try not to bring astrology into this. i don’t like equating relationship abuse to a zodiac sign or placement. that could be a conversation for another day, but i don’t think it is necessary and can be very harmful to create a narrative that demonizes a sign.
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