I’m gonna start the #NobodyArtistClub where you think you have pretty cool content, but you’re perpetually stuck under that 10k milestone for one reason or another. RT with your some of your favorite recent pieces.
Because I see the SAME 10 artists with 10-50k+ anytime something art related trends, and I want to find the hidden gems out there like me who just haven’t “made it” but still have fucking killer work. 🤘🏻
I’m sorry if I don’t get to RT everyone or respond to all of yalls sweet comments, I have a toddler that’s running me in circles today and I did NOT expect this to blow up so quick, but

You all should do yourselves a favor and check the artists in this thread. 😱
The “10k” remark is just in regards to a trend of division between what’s considered a “big” or “small” following on Twitter dot com, so I DO know numbers don’t always mean success, but any little boost could do wonders for smaller account artists looking for comms!
I do well, considering I’m under 4k, but I also have a following across different platforms that a lot of people might not know about. And I think people DO go look at follower counts before they decide an artist is Big Leagues. I’m guilty of it.
Anyway, lots of INSANELY GOOD artists barely even scratch 1k half the time here, this is just an attempt to unearth a few of them from the timeline for us all. 🤘🏻
Anyway, if you’ve found me through this, you like what you see AND you don’t immediately hate me for this viral mishap, check out my Patreon? 😔

https://twitter.com/chrisibarraart/status/1282470869911187457?s=21 https://twitter.com/chrisibarraart/status/1282470869911187457
You can follow @ChrisIbarraArt.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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