Episode One of Audio Mullet, with Doug TenNapel, Mike Nelson and Ethan Nicolle.

Doug gives a shit definition of toxic masculinity. Later, Mike says that rape and other problems have become worse because people have abandoned "western Christian and Judaeo-Christian values"
Mike and Doug hand-wring over Christians letting their kids die because they won't give them medical treatment, and then Doug takes a long jump of logic to throw a Muslim stereotype into the conversation.
Episode 8 (the last tweet was from this episode too).

Doug absolutely refuses to acknowledge that marriage can be between two people of the same sex. It irks him so.
Episode 11

Doug refuses to grasp the idea that people might actually be concerned for the environment. Doug and Mike both have been skeptical of climate change in the past.
Also Episode 11

Doug TenNapel lets his hood show and dips into some white genocide rhetoric.
Episode 14

Doug STILL is upset that gay marriage is a thing that exists and he lost that battle.
Also episode 14

Doug and Mike have a strange conversation about their podcast being "flagged" by "bots." Doug decides to "trigger the red flag" by being homophobic in an incredibly sophomoric (and telling) manner.
One more from 14

Mike talks about a family member who came out as gay but later renounced being gay. Doug makes a pee joke.
Episode 16
Ethan Nicolle says that gay people should just straighten up because they'd be happier. Later on, Doug drops some casual homophobic garbage (in an episode about how he's allegedly not homophobic).
Episode 17

Ethan shares a story of an inter-faith discussion on religion.

Doug uses to joke about gay people being executed.
Episode 20

A guest talks about an interfaith party. Doug makes the same joke.
Episode 20 again.

Doug drops a gay slur when talking about how bad being gay is.
Episode 25

Doug and a guest discuss the concept of "fairness" and Doug says that being attractive makes women go crazy.
Same episode, Doug says that it's not fair to kids when their mothers work. Women belong at home.

In Ethan and the guest's defense, they did not seem to agree with this.
Episode 46 (Apirl 5, 2020)

Mike Nelson rants about how the pandemic is really overblown and attempts to stop it are actually totalitarian.
Episode 48

Doug is mad that comicon is canceled due to the pandemic, says he'll have a gathering anyway and jokes about killing the governor of California.
Same episode, Doug says that the left is happy about the pandemic and "jokes" about what will happen next, adding another "joke" comparing gay marriage to pedophilia.
Doug combining anti-mask nonsense and anti-Islamic prejudice. A two-fer.
Doug says people should ignore pandemic safety guidelines.

Later he suggest that the left is happy about the pandemic for racist reasons.

Later again he says that Trump should tell people to take up their guns and threaten their bosses until they can go back to work.
Episode 51

Doug TenNapel drops a homophobic slur when discussing how the lockdown will hurt America.
Mike Nelson, Ethan and Doug all hate masks.

Mike Nelson REALLY hates masks. A lot.
Episode 52

To their credit, all of them say they wear masks when in places of business.

Doug uses this admission to be Islamaphobic.
Episode 53

In a discussion on identity, Doug takes the chance to be sexist before "joking" that he's a transphobe and a homophobe.
Episode 53

Doug admits racism is a problem, but according to him black people need to take some/most of the blame too because of their "willful ignorance."

This one is a doozy.
Episode 53

In one of the most disgusting things said on the podcast, Ethan suggests, without a shred of evidence, that Arbery was a meth head.
Episode 53 again

Casual racism by Doug and Ethan.
Again episode 53

Doug going on about how welfare is the real cause for problems in black communities.
Episode 53

Doug on the protests
Episode 55

Doug and Ethan ON JUNE 6TH saying that the pandemic is fake/overblown. No humor in their voices. This is not a joke no matter what they say.
Same episode

This is a joke. A bad joke. But a joke.
And here's the big one, Doug comparing Black Lives Matter to Nazis
Doug TenNapel explaining why he uses a homophobic slur.

Can you make sense of this? I can't.
Doug saying that white people protesting are ANTIFA while black people are just looters.
Doug, again on the protests and how the left was happy a black man was murdered, apparently.
Doug and Ethan can't comprehend that a white person would support Black Lives Matter, because to them it's all pandering.

Oh, and another comparison to Hitler.
That's it from the podcast, let's turn to social media.

Here's a screencap of deleted tweet where Doug says that he wants to "build up" Gavin McInnes, the founder of Proud Boys.
Doug defending an artist who made blatantly antisemitic artwork.
Doug TenNapel comparing Tom Hanks to Nazis (HE LOVES TO DO THIS) because Tom Hanks wants people to wear masks.
Doug trolling with homophobic whining.
Doug has a Parler account, here he is on that again comparing the left to Nazis.
Doug on Parler with some racist trolling.
Doug losing his shit over the idea that voice actors should be played by people of the same color.
And Doug on Parler with some good old fashioned American Nationalism (that is often said by racists/antisemitic idiots.
Doug insinuating that homosexuality and bestiality are similar.
That's it for now. I'll continue to update this as Doug continues to be Doug.
Episode 58

Doug inserts his homophobia into every aspect of the conversation. I don't even know what context to provide for any of these. He just goes off.
Episode 58 again,

Doug ALMOST has a revelation, but instead confuses personal defects with homosexuality in a muddled metaphor.
Still on episode 58

Doug is extremely bitter about the whole f-word thing. Still and again.
Episode 58

Ethan does the "hate the sin love the sinner" act.

Doug compares homophobia to pedophilia and suggests that if you condone one you should condone the other.
Again Episode 58

Doug says says that BLM is sinning because they are against white privilege.
And finally in Episode 58

Doug and Ethan confirm that they are still planning to hold a large social gathering in lieu of comicon this month.

This will be interesting.
Doug comparing homosexuality to sex with minors and animals. Again.
Support of civil rights will kill black people, somehow.
Doug believes that misgendering transpeople is an act of heroism
Doug, denying all reality, refuses to believe that institutional racism is a thing.
Doug argues that if you "cancel" him then you're actually hurting homeless vets.
Doug makes a "joke" that compares anti-homophobic activists to people who deny the holocaust. Doug likes to use Nazis and the death of Jews as a basis for jokes.
Anti-Palestinian and islamaphobic trolling in a two-fer.
Doug compares (cartoon) homosexuality to (cartoon) bestiality.

Doug often compares homosexuality, cartoon or otherwise, to bestiality or pedophilia.
Doug: I Love lesbians.

Also Doug: Being gay is a psychosis, and a sin equal to pedophilia.
Doug says it's okay for him to use "rude" language. He then compares the left's lack of manners to a frequently misunderstood theory that contributed to decades of racist police tactics.
Doug says that scientists enjoy necrophilia.
Doug compares a successful woman of color to a sex doll.
This Twitter argument is mostly nonsense, but it does bring up the point that Doug doesn't believe assault victims, he even does a YouTube show with Vic's lawyer.
A reminder that Doug picks and chooses what sins are bad. BLM is bad for "coveting privilege." But Doug can have all the pride he wants, apparently.
Doug had a couple streams to celebrate his birthday and drop some casual anti-Islamic sentiment.
Just gonna go out on a limb and assume this is some sort of anti-LGBTQ sentiment.

Hard to say since it feels like something pulled from a "Mad-libs for Bigots" book.
Doug with the itty-bitty racism and his followers with the oh god racism.
Doug compares the right to choose whose products you buy with being a literal Nazi.
Doug is in California for vacation. Doug, currently battling cancer, complains about safety restrictions in California that help stop the spread of the coronavirus. He compares it to a police state.
Doug and Ethan go conspiracy theory again, saying that this is all an effort to add more government control in business.

Doug is a Trump voter. Doug doesn't seem to understand how the government works.
After discussing China's oppression of the Uyghurs, Doug compares his plight to the Uyghurs' mass incarceration and murder. He throws in his favorite f-word again. Then he makes a joke apology that mocks support for transpeople.
In an attempt to show how open-minded he is, Doug talks about a gay couple that at a church he used to attend. He goes out of his way to call them "fruity" and then say how gays (and women) are unfit for church leadership.
There was also a bit about Portland in the episode but that was mostly just idiotic rambling.
Holy shit, nearly missed this. Ethan and Doug complain that open minded people aren't open minded towards racists, citing GAVIN MCINNES as an example. Holy shit. Doug again throws support behind the Proud Boys.
Doug makes a lazy transphobic joke to complain about doing something simple that can save people's lives.
Doug being openly racist again.
Doug uses a picture of a family member to be a racist troll.
Doug is pro-life and against choice.

Unless that choice is a mask, then he believes his choice not to wear a mask supersedes your life.
On a day where US deaths from COVID-19 topped a thousand, Doug doubles (triples, quadruples) down against laws mandating that people wear masks.

If you ever needed a clearer reminder that most "pro-life" people are full of shit.
Conservative Christian Doug TenNapel with a crass sexist joke.
Doug TenNapel on how a black person can only be politically motivated if they're raised by white parents.

Doug is against violent protests but also against non-violent protests. It's almost like he's against the cause and not the method or something. Doug TenNapel is racist.
Doug, a mediocre white man whose talent is far outshined by his ability to be racist in public, believes in a racist ideal of meritocracy.
Noted racist Doug TenNapel misspells Colin Kaepernick's name while making a nonsensical racist statement.
Doug Tennapel is racist and sad that the name for a football team he probably doesn't care about is changing its name because it's racist.
Noted racist Doug TenNapel compares an civil rights icon John Lewis to the KKK. Then he makes an additional racist comment.

Doug really really really cares about black people before they're born. Five seconds after they're born he stops caring.
Doug's new favorite word is "meritocracy", but I doubt that Doug has ever bothered to look up the origins of the word. Because Doug is just as stupid as he is racist. And Doug Tennapel is REALLY racist
Audio Mullet episode 60

Doug and Ethan start the conversation by talking about gross it would be to get a massage from a man.
This continues until Doug TenNapel confesses that he's gotten so turned on by women giving him massages that, if the woman was to do more, he'd be powerless to resist. Because Doug TenNapel apparently wants to cheat on his wife.
Doug continues the conversation with a sexist joke, and then later discusses how he wishes he had a male doctor. Even when a female doctor touches him, it's just too much.
Doug and Ethan on casual sex and how its bad for men but much worse for women because it 'scars' them somehow. Doug and Ethan seem to have strange views on sexuality. Shocking. I know.
We've now reached the racist portion of the program. Wherein Doug TenNapel makes jokes about Japanese people wearing masks and continues on his never-ending "America is turning into a third world country" rant.
Doug on how the Black Lives Matter movement will eventually descend into an Orwellian nightmare where Christians will be forced to endorse gay marriage (and 'other forms' of marriage) if they want a credit card. Or something.
Noted "pro-life" advocate Doug Tennapel held a meet up in San Bernardino with a dozen or so people in a small confined room where everyone smoked.

There were over 2,000 new cases of coronavirus in San Bernardino TODAY.
Doug TenNapel is transphobic again
Doug fails to grasp that some women don't have a cervix for a variety of reasons. Uses his lack of understanding to be transphobic. Again.
Doug TenNapel was on the Bablyon Bee podcast with Ethan. Here they are joking about protesters being hit by cars. Then Doug blames it on kids not having fathers.
Doug TenNapel saying "faggot" again and kinda defending its use again. They censor it, but host Kyle spells it out.
Doug TenNapel, Ethan, and Kyle "joke" about which women they'd like to stone to death. Sarah Silverman takes a high spot for some reason.
And they continue by making sexist comments about how AOC is too hot to be stoned to death.
Doug suggests that TikTok users use guns to protect TikTok, or something while blowing his racist "fatherless" dog whistle again.
New Audio Mullet guest star Kyle Mann from the Babylon Bee. Garbage time!

Doug, saying that gay men can't be monogamous.
Doug again compares being gay or trans to being a pedophile. He can say he's not, but it's literally what he's doing.
Ethan showing his own form of sympathy for trans people.

Doug compares them to crackheads.
Some more bits of homophobia from Doug and Kyle, comparing being gay to wanting to murder people.
Finally, Doug talking about his supposed LGBTQ acquaintances. Doug then uses a racial slur to workshop future gay slurs.
Also in this episode a listener sends in a long email asking why Doug cares so much about gay issues but not the teachings of Christ that focus on giving and helping others. Doug's response is to ignore it and say "FUCK YOU" to the dude.

Y'know, like Christ would.
Doug being Islamophobic AND comparing mask ordinances to the holocaust back-to-back. Not often you see Islamophobia and antisemitism from the same person nearly instantaneously, but there you are.
On the same day Doug TenNapel goes off on another anti-abortion screed, he continues to falsely claim masks don't offer protection from viruses, simply because he doesn't want to wear one.

"Pro-life" until the life is born, then fuck those kids I guess.
As of August 5th I stopped updating this thread.

If Doug TenNapel somehow surfaces in the gaming or mainstream comic/animation industry again, I'll pick this up once more.

If anyone announces that they're working with this trash human, be sure to show them this thread.
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