Highlights from the Legal Challenge to COVID-19 Measures Filed In Ontario Superior Court.

See thread below.
The defendants are range from federal to municipal politicians and ministers, the CBC, and others.
Cites the English Bill of Rights (1689), The Constitution Act (1867), and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) [not shown].
Self isolation, social distancing, mandatory masks, and closing of businesses, are not scientifically or medically proven measures.
Social distancing isn't based in evidence.
Contact tracing apps violate the right to privacy.

Compelled masks violate and restrict the right the breathe.

Arbitrary business closures are a charter violation.
The CBC knowingly suppressed and censored expert views which opposed the WHO or the government; labeling it "misinformation" and "false news".
One of the plaintiffs is Denis G. Rancourt, PhD.

He has published several articles in criticism of the COVID measures.

He was interviewed at length by the CBC, but the interview was never released. His articles and videos have been removed.
Mandatory or coerced compliance to vaccines breach both Charter rights and Constitution Act to informed consent, freedom of thought, and bodily integrity.
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