#Sweden - #Mortality deaths per months 1980-2020

"I think it's like a severe flu season"
Professor Johan Giesecke

(update, putting all charts into one single pinned thread )
#France - deaths per months 1980-2020

In January 2017 more people died than in April 2020. But we saw no TGVs with ICU patients, and had no #crisesainitaire.
#Germany - deaths per months 1990-2020

In 2017/18, Germany was faced with the deadliest flu season of the last 30 years. Nobody took notice. We missed it. @Markus_Soeder did not protect us. And we had plenty of toilet paper.
#Belgium - deaths per month 1980-2020

Belgium has the highest per-capita C19 death toll in Europe. In terms of overall mortality, it is similar to 1989.
Sweden - deaths per week

The disasters, that nobody was interested in.
In Germany, data is clear - lockdown was after the turning point, in a decling epidemic. A near-perfect decay.
Oresund is a bi-national metropolitan Region - in south Sweden and east Denmark. It is a perfect natural experiment.
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