Just a thought I shared with a dear friend the other day. That everything that is going on this year was karmic. We had four years of the worse government incompetence, but it took a pandemic to show how vital competent leadership is.
I told her it's crazy the kids being put in cages, families seeking assylum being terrorized and brutalized didnt do it. Both siding Nazism after a the disastrous Charlottesville hate rally where Heather Heyer was murdered, didnt move the needle.
It wasnt the Yemen disaster, or the still unanswered question of why four US troops were massacred in Africa. Nor his complete failure to hold competent staff which led to the worse FEMA response since Hurricane Katrina for Hurricane Maria victims.
It wasnt how ignorant he continues to be not even knowing who he is president of. Or who is actually American. Watching him pander to right wing bible thumpers when he is the walking talking guide to the seven deadly sins. None of that was enough to move the concern needle.
Heck last year alone, he plotted a failed military coup that harmed and caused the deaths of our Kurdish allies. He was responsible for an assassination of an Iranian general over a tweet. It's only been two years I believe since he set up an innocent American reporter to...
Die at the hands of the Saudi Arabian royals request. Who he then sold our military out as mercenaries to. All of this serious ineptness on top of the powder keg of racial injustice and strife still wasnt enough. So I believe this pandemic was Karma.
History has shown mass illness is not new or uncommon. But with competent leadership we have weathered many potentially disastrous illnesses. Not since Reagan have I seen such a callous disregard of American lives to a pandemic.
Sadly the tanking of our economy (which started with the tax break he gave to people who already have way too much) was meant to be covered by the "essential workers who are now fighting just to stay alive. The unemployment rates are high, people are facing homelessness.
I think we had to fully feel the weight of this incompetent president in our pockets, to fully get why it's so vital to have experience. The presidency is not an entry level position. And Trump is all the proof you need that not anyone can be a true leader.
A coward who hid in a bunker, then tear gassed American citizens for a photo OP holding a bible, as his country burns. A man so beholden to Putin that he allowed bounties to be placed on the heads of our military. Seriously in November enough is enough!
I am thoroughly exhausted just remembering some of the horrors of this presidency. Trump's legacy will be one of Death, incompetence, and idocy. And we must make it a one term failure that will be added to his failed Casinos, Steak, and Vodka businesses.
America cannot afford four more years of ignorance and incompetence. Remember this as you struggle for motivation to vote in November. 100,000+ deaths in five months is beyond motivation. It is our last wake up call. Stay sleep and we all fall.

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