Lockdown scepticism is on the rise

Lockdowns are costly in money, impacts to public health and liberty. We have jumped out of the plane first and only now are we taking a look at the parachute to see if it is any good.
The threat of 100,000's dying as hospitals were overwhelmed never happened

The infection growth rate slowed in London weeks before lockdown and before public transport use began to drop.

Deaths plateaued too early for lockdown to be the cause (see Ionnidis, Bhakdi, Levitt)
Lockdown distracted from real priority of protecting the vulnerable.

The goal of flattening the curve morphed into an endless war on the virus without clear goal or end

Many still think lockdown saved lives - and have 'second wave fear', evidence undermines these positions
A second wave is unlikely as 80% infected have minor or no symptoms.

Inspection and control and use of fever hospitals are probably better than blanket lockdowns

Confining people indoors may have made things worse
Where lockdown was lifted there were no significant surges in deaths, Denmark who reopened in mid April, or Israel where deaths are limited to around 2 per day

Increases in cases is nearly always a result of more in testing and are not leading to more deaths (USA take note)
Sweden kept most schools open and bars/restaurants, and socialised. Their deaths per million population is lower than US, UK, France, Spain, Italy and Belgium.

Sweden's "all-cause" mortality is very close to Denmark and less than Finland,

The US CDC estimates the death rate from the virus is estimated to be around 0.26 per cent - in the range of serious influenza (dropping to 0.05 per cent for those under 50) https://swprs.org/studies-on-covid-19-lethality/
For the England & Wales under 40's since the start of the outbreak, excess deaths are zero!!!

Lockdown has been harmful, costly, and unjustified. Collectively we need to admit that a huge mistake was made - otherwise we will not be able to move on. https://conservativewoman.co.uk/why-lockdown-is-useless-the-case-for-the-prosecution/
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