Thread: people are reporting symptoms like headaches, breathlessness and nausea due to prolonged mask wearing. I am going to put a few research links on effects of masks here.
2/ In China 3 students died doing physical activities with their N95 masks on. The govt has now instructed schools to ensure children take off masks in gym class. In fact, I watched labourers in India doing the same - removing the mask during physical exertion!
3/ Multiple clinical studies on medical professionals shows that when they work wearing N95 masks, they experience dizziness, headaches, and shortness of breath. The ability to make correct decisions appears to be hampered too.
5/ So masks deplete your oxygen intake, force you to inhale your own carbon dioxide & bacteria accumulated in the #mask. And get this - they DO NOT BLOCK VIRUS. Virus penetration is 84.5% for Surgical & cloth masks & 20.5% for N95 masks. 
6/ Association of American Physicians and surgeons: #Masks will not stop spread of infection. They may "give people a false sense of security. If masks had been the solution in Asia, shouldn’t they have stopped the pandemic before it spread elsewhere?” 
7/ This article on #masks by a neurosurgeon Dr Blaylock sums up the articles I have posted on this Thread. Masks cannot protect you from infection. BUT they can make you very sick by lowering your oxygen & raising your carbon dioxide levels. Do READ.
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