cuma mau ngumpulin like
1. Kuliah
2. Belum kerja
3. Manusia
4. Hidup
5. Melakukan proses pencernaan setiap hari
6. Bisa berkembang biak
7. Gabisa fotosintesis
8. Bisa bergerak
9. Bisa bicara juga
10. Punya otak, tapi kayanya tinggal dikit
11. Bisa jalan
13. Suka bercanda
13. Bego salah nulis nomer
14. Bisa serius kok
15. Oke serius yuk
16. Gamau kalah dari orang lain
17. Many people think that i'm intimidate at first, it's not just in twt but in rl too
18. I'm a scorpio
19. I treat you depend how you treat me, if you treat me well, i'll treat you better, but if you treat me bad, i'll treat you worst
20. I have turtles but i'm afraid to touch them
21. My turtles's name are graves and voldy
22. I prefer go to mountain than beach
23. I'm a denrophile
24. I like the smell of rain but i'm afraid of its sound
25. I'm alone in my home rn and dont know what to do
26. Ignorant
27. Tinggi semampai alias satu setengah meter agak sampai
28. Gajelas
29. Slowresp
30. Fastresp ke orang² tertentu, mmf
31. Gasuka pelihara hewan
32. If I can live in another country, I'll choose Germany
33. My first love is my boy-best-friend
34. Is thinking about lrp
35. Ribet.
36. Talk more
37. If i randomly asked you to tell your stories, it means i have problems in my life that I wanna forget
38. Another way to say "distraction"
39. I'm sleepy
40. But i dont wanna sleep
41. I dont drink coffee
42. I have trauma of drinking coffee
43. I didn't take my breakfast yet
44. Now i'm starving
45. But i dont wanna get up from my bed huh
46. I know, nobody cares about this, but i keep making this thread lol
47. I just think that i rarely tweet something
48. So, I wanna tweet as much as I can
49. I miss my son, fares
50. I like to bother Lucius with my shitty chat
51. Now, i'm gonna sleep
52. I love Percival Graves
You can follow @voldygotnose.
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