One of the speakers at public hearing in my city just said that needing space bigger than micro apts is a generational thing - because disabled young people don't exist I guess?
There was a great thread years ago by someone who had grown up poor and was now more financially stable. They talked about how poor people *need* to keep things and also how poverty teaches you to. They said it was only when they had money they could be more minimalist.
The thread discussed how you have to feel secure in fact you'll be able to replace something or buy it when you need it - as opposed to hold onto it in case you need it. It was a good thread and not doing it justice here but it's also relevant as well as accessibility.
Someone on here offered me FOR FREE a standing frame. Something that could potentially really help with my health in a very meaningful way. I have literally no place to put it.
I should have a power wheelchair as well as manual - I have no place for a power wheelchair.
YIMBYs and other constantly want to make every issue a generational issue. It's like they view these huge issues through the lens of their relationships with their parents. Meanwhile they ignore disability, class, race and often gender.
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