Before you tirade on me about how “lesbians cannot be attracted to men EVER” please read this thread.
First of all, no bi/pan lesbian is out to invalidate the lesbian and bisexual community. It is a means of labeling ones self and that is all. We are not biphobic/lesphobic.
The term “lesbian” used to be used to describe any WLW, not just exclusively homosexual women. It was in the 1970s that radfems pushed bi women out of the lesbian community for not being “pure” enough.
This was fueled buy political lesbianism- ie, women who thought the only way to take down the patriarchy was to cut off contact with all men. Political lesbians chose to exclusively seek out women, regardless of whether they were straight or not.
This caused a huge divide in the lesbian community, and bisexual women were no longer welcome in lesbian spaces. It is a main source for why there is so much biphobia in the WLW community.
Let’s be clear here, exclusionism, separatism, essentialism, and gatekeeping is not a good look for the LBGT community. Radfems use this same tactic to exclude trans people from the LBGT and feminist community. It’s NOT a good thing.
“So why would you need to call yourself a bi/pan lesbian when the term bisexual exist?” Self labeling is a personal choice. Invalidating someone else’s label is a shit move.
“What is a bi/pan lesbian anyway?”
* those with divergent sexual and romantic orientations who place emphasis on female attraction
* those who are bi/pansexual and bi/panromantic in orientation, but not attracted to men 1/2
“But isn’t that contradictory?”
No, because sexuality is a spectrum. And again, lesbian used to mean all WLW until one groups tried to exclude us.
“But bi/pan lesbianism hurts and invalidates the bi and lesbian community.” It really doesn’t. It’s only about self identifying. Sexuality is complex and it’s nobody’s business how they self identify.
“Won’t men start to think that they can turn lesbians now?”
First of all, some men already think that. It’s not going to change because a small outlier of bi/pan lesbians are occasionally attracted to cis men. 1/2
2/2 Do Not Ever blame someone in the LGBT community for the shitty actions of cis het men. It is NOT their fault.
“Microlabeling is harmful, and it will confuse straight allies.”
First: micro-labeling is very important for those with divergent sexual and romantic attraction.
Second: SINCE WHEN do we do things as to not confuse straight people? If the straights are confused, that’s on them.
The LGBT community is not responsible for appealing to straight people. They are the ones who should educate themselves, and if they choose not to, that’s flat out bigotry.
“What is SAM?” SAM stands for “split attraction model”. Basically, sexual and romantic attraction are not one in the same for all people. You can be Panromantic and Homosexual. (This is also a part of the bi/pan lesbian label).
Final thoughts: Bi/pan lesbians do not hurt the community. I have yet to see an example of legitimate harm done By people who identify themselves as a bi/pan lesbian, other than some hurt feelings.
Bi/pan lesbianism doesn’t mean that the terms lesbian and bisexual are now invalid. That’s not the way things work.
If you can’t be civil in this discussion, and instead, tell me to “shut the fuck up” I will block you. I’m tired of people not listening to what we have to say before jumping down our throats.
In conclusion,
Please stop being an asshole about this. Thanks. ✌️
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