A Black person doesn’t commit crime against another Black person because they’re Black. Conflating all interpersonal crime as “Black on Black” is how socioeconomic factors alongside contextual details related to each crime gets treated as insignificant.
When people buy into the idea that Black skin is the common denominator rather than overlapping factors of social marginalisation and poverty etc - which nearly all criminologists will point to as being the main driver of crime in general - it becomes a lazy cop-out.
If I was to go back to London and get killed (touch wood), the narrative is so lazy and tired that I’d probably end up in Drill Music moral panic discourse. Part of a statistic used to further pathologise Blackness as violent.
When people talk about any white area with historically high levels of crime (Glasgow, Salford, Crumlin etc etc), they don’t pathologise whiteness as violent. They recognise that these areas have social and economic problems. At worst there will be a classist lens applied to them
So yeah, if you’re Black and buy into the idea of “Black on Black crime” you need to pattern up. And if you’re not Black and buy into it then you’re racist. That’s all.
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