Just put on S2 of The Expanse. I'm sure I'll remember everything from watching S1 years ago
I remember Shohreh Aghdashloo looked fabulous and Thomas Jane looked embarrassing. Should be good enough
Thomas Jane has radiation sickness in this ep but he's not wearing that awful hat, so he looks MUCH better
This woman asked the man she's fucking to pass her a 40mm wrench and I knew he was going to hand her the wrong size smdh
It is veeeee e e e e e eeeeeeeery annoying that the only woman on the one spaceship is Officially In Charge Of All Managing The Men's Emotions And Relationships
Omg this Look (it's like a fancy applique glued to her chest? This description doesn't do it justice)
How this show makes neck tattoos look good I'll never understand
I have difficulty following the plot of this show because Steven Strait is very nearly attractive but is not attractive and my brain can't compute it. Why does he always look like he has braces
He's 6'2 and has big hands so I guess I can make it work
"The Arbogast is nearly at Venus" Ms Aghdashloo I'm wherever you need to be ma'am
There's a beautiful actress on this show who plays a (human) character from Mars and she's 5'11" and Samoan and speaks with a Kiwi accent even though her character is Martian because she can do what the fuck she wants
Need a piece on Shohreh Aghdashloo's costumes. Look at these epaulets
Something that's REALLY nice about this show is that not only does it have multiple Strong Female Characters (TM), they're strong in different ways. No this is not a very insightful comment, no I will not be elaborating
I'm gonna try to finish this season, but I'm feeling conflicted since finding out one of the cast members is a predator
Missed an entire conversation because I was vividly imagining stomping this man's face in
At least Jim is also very pissed at Alex in this episode
Bobbie stuffing her face with cucumber sandwiches ... I love her
Naomi saving lives while her fuckass boyfriend dicks around chasing a supersoldier ......
"please take this man seriously while he walks around with a baggy jumpsuit slumped like a banana peel around his waist"
Sorry, no, this will not be happening
The idea of dating someone who you regularly get into deadly situations with is so silly it is actually funny
Weaponless Bobbie destroyed two dudes with machine guns and then putting one of the guns in the trash chute ... [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Some guy just asked Bobbie is she would rough him up and throw him in a cargo locker. Only reasonable thing one can say to the woman
Not to be un-horny for even a moment but the creature design is really good
Bobbie throwing men as big as she is across the room ...... Once again I must [redacted]
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