New Trader Advice: You can make a living off Sympathy plays. Take note of what stocks run together and you can beat the crowd on the lagging one. Also, it takes two clicks on Finviz to find a sympathy play. (Example: $LYL today was a China Finance Sympathy.) Hope this helps🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Here’s the list of China Finance plays. Once one ran all I had to do was look on this list for the potential sympathies. If it didn’t work, who cares, I was early so the risk was low. Why chase one when you can find the others?
Personally, I like to order plays by the smallest market cap and then check the floats. I prefer lower floats and ones that have good bid support, so the risk is lower. There’s nothing fancy about it, but it works. Let me know if I can help you all. DMs are always open🙏🏻
Not long ago I had nice winning calls on $VVPR and $SPI. I bought these because $SUNW was running. Now go use finviz and figure out why I bought those plays😉
One last one. A couple weeks ago I bought $POLA and it ran something like 300%. Why did I buy it? $PPSI was running and I found this on finviz. At the time is was in the same price range. It’s also a low float in the same sector You can do it too🙏🏻
You are all more than welcome to play the same stocks as me. But I’d much rather you take the time to learn why I’m playing certain stocks so that you can find picks too. Sorry for the long thread, but I hope you take the time to learn this😀
You can follow @Bish_Picks.
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