antisemitism is hostility or prejudice against jewish people. judaism is not a race, as many people from different races and backgrounds can be jewish. it is a religion that has many cultural and traditional aspects. while i am not extremely religious, i identify as jewish.
my family is jewish, i celebrate jewish holidays and jewish culture.
many jewish stories are left untold by the media. i have become accustomed to seeing synagogues vandalized, and seeing the word “rat” thrown around on twitter like it means nothing; like my people are nothing.
in my hometown in the northeastern united states, where judaism is prevalent, i had gone to watch star wars with my family. a man kept kicking my sisters chair and when we left the theater he shoved past her, muttering “dirty jew” under his breath.
my friend went to a club in paris where she was shoved and yelled at for being jewish, and then SHE was the one kicked out. there are countless CURRENT stories such as these, yet no one seems to care.
the problem is, that many people see antisemitism as an issue that ended “way back” in WWII (a mere 75 years ago) with the “fall” of the nazi regime. this could not be more wrong. jews are still experiencing prejudice and discrimination for simply existing.
this has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with blatant hatred.
as someone who wholeheartedly supports other minorities rights, shouldn’t i receive the same level of respect in return?
i sign petitions, i donate , i use my platform to share links and spread information. so why is it that when the whole world is against me, i’m suddenly not worth it?
desean jackson, an athlete in the nfl, posted this photo on his story earlier this week. he was even defended by others in his clear message that hitler was right? please, i’m begging, do not use the the blm movement to fall back on antisemetic behavior.
the swastika is a symbol used by hindus, buddhist and other religions to signify divinity and spirituality, peace. it was taken and abused by the nazis. while many still use it for its original intentions
to disregard what it signifies now and the repercussions of its history would be ERASING the history and the collective, inter-generational trauma of jews - and not just them, but every single other minority targeted by the nazis even TODAY - lgbtq+, people with disabilities, etc
in conclusion... help
because i really don’t feel safe anywhere
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