
ACTUALLY, the feds went in three years ago.

Operation Legend was launched AT THE REQUEST OF CITIES AND STATES.

Democrats tried to trap @realDonaldTrump

Of course he outsmarted them.
The leftist plan was to create martyrs.

Trump's enemies know that their crazed foot soldiers now see guns as a challenge.

Tons of videos online prove it.

Drawing a gun simply inflames the zombie foot soldiers.
"Shoot me, bitch! Shoot me! Shoot me!"

So you have to be smart.

Berkeley, April 15, 2017.

Watch until 2:55.
The bait is in the green shirt.
Squad leader (lower right) begins positioning his men.
Squad leader (center) continues positioning his men.
Squad leader (left) positions backup muscle.

Bait doesn't have to be positioned.

He's done this a million times.
Bait goes in.

Squad leader (center right) repositions backup muscle.
Operation begins.

Bait starts taking closeup photos of target.

Primary muscle (white shirt) casually moves in.

Squad leader identifies primary muscle to backup muscle.

Evidence collector (right) appears.

Primary muscle instantly begins to react to target attacking Bait.
Bait yanks off Target's goggles and unmasks him.

Squad leader and primary muscle move in to block Bait's escape with DNA evidence.

Backup muscle was not necessary.

Evidence collector (right) watches.
Evidence collector sees fallen helmet and sunglasses, rushes in and gets them.
Same event from another angle.

Watch until 1:52.
Now, Antifa was set up six ways from Sunday.

Bait (upper left) was following them from the beginning.

I wonder what he was hiding under the jacket draped over his left arm?

He got a text message: "Go."
Somebody put a soda can in front of Target, so he obligingly threw it at the feds, who collected DNA from the sweat on his gloves.

Good doggie!
And then Bait gets ANOTHER Pavlovian response from Target, but this time it costs Target everything.
The original video was deleted by YouTube, bu I have it.

Here's Target.

NOT a white vegan 20-year-old scarecrow.

Definitely in his mid-thirties.
And this guy had a firearm.

He's got something going on hair-wise.

Coiled dreadlocks? No idea.

@Timcast keeps slamming @Adamcrigler with, "You don't know, man! I was THERE, man! I've been doing this for ten years, man! I was in the SH*T, man!"

(Okay, I'm making up the quotes.)


I wasn't there.

But I saw it all.

Heavyset older man in the the dark-blue-lighter-blue checked shirt and tan baseball cap.

In the background.
He's showing SOMEBODY an obsolete DEA Special Agent badge on his belt.

He's a retiree, back on the job.
Trump allowed retirees to come back on a volunteer basis.

That would keep them off the books.

No leaks.


And they've effectively doubled or tripled the size of federal law enforcement.
By doing reconnaissance and collecting DNA and taking photos, they free up the young gunslingers to unsling their guns.
Trump has shaped the battleground for three years.

We're told that Antifa and BLM planned the riots for months.

Trump planned the containment for THREE YEARS.

Let me end with a perfect analogy.

What we're seeing now is a stuntman set on fire.
It looks really bad, but it isn't.

YES, people are dying.

But sending in the armed forces against the will of the cities and states IS WHAT TRUMP'S ENEMIES WANTED.

NOW, the cities and states have been forced to ask for help.
ONCE AGAIN, Trump will win.

Polls can't gauge his support, and polls can't predict the Electoral College vote.

@parscale and @jaredkushner won by using the uselessness of the polls when it comes to Trump.


And so does Trump.
THIS is what we're seeing.

Not a civil war. Not the the end of civilization.

An illusion.

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