Iconic Moments from the Lord of the Rings trilogy: a thread
1. “A wizard is never late...”
2. “What about breakfast?”
3. Aragorn vs The Nazgul
4. “You have my sword...” + “Great! Where are we going?”
5. “They have a cave troll.”
6. Sam and his frying pan
7. Gandalf vs the Balrog
8. Boromir’s last stand
9. Aragorn vs Lurtz + Aragorn deflects a dagger
10. “Go back, Sam. I’m going to Mordor alone.”
“Of course you are, and I’m coming with you!”
11. Aragorn kicks a helmet

FuN fAcT: ViGgO brOKe HiS tOe heRe!
I had to say it lol
12. Gandalf the White appears
13. “You have no power here, Gandalf the Grey!”
14. “Your fingers would remember their strength, if they grasped your sword.”

As I said yesterday, the Rohan theme is a masterpiece.
15. “PO-TAY-TOES!”
16. Aragorn arrives at Helm’s Deep
17. Legolas and Gimli banter
18. Legolas shield surfing
19. “Toss me.”
20. Gandalf and the Riders of Rohan arrive at Helm’s Deep + one of Theoden’s amazing mini-speech’s
21. “By all rights we shouldn’t even be here.... but we are.”
22. Aragorn is given Anduril
23. “That line was broken!”
“It has been remade.”

(Sorry about the subtitles, it was the only vid on YouTube with good quality 🙃)
24. Sam vs Shelob
25. Rohan arrives at Gondor, part 1
Part 2

I can’t help but tear up every time I watch this scene. The music, the moment, Theoden’s speech, the courage in Merry and Eowyn’s eyes, the fear in the orcs’ eyes, it’s all so moving
26. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli arrive at Gondor
27. “I am no man.”

Eowyn ❀
28. Legolas vs the Oliphant
29. “That’s for Frodo...”

Samwise the Brave, indeed.
30. Legolas and Gimli banter 2
31. “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!”
32. “For Frodo.”

Love it that Merry and Pippen are the first to follow Aragorn
33. “My friends, you bow to no one.”
34. Frodo and Bilbo leave Middle-Earth
Honorable Mention: “Welcome, my lord, to Isengard!”

While I don’t consider this moment “iconic”, its an excellent moment for Merry and Pippen.
This was a lot of fun and I hope you guys enjoy it! ⚔
But it’s actually not the end! Because I’m adding some more! Enjoy.
35. Frodo is given Sting
36. “Well, here’s one dwarf she won’t ensnare so easily.”
37. The Fellowship meet Galadriel
38. “Will you look into the mirror?” Part 1
Part 2

This scene gave me nightmares as a kid
39. The Argonath
40. The Beacons of Gondor, part 1 + goofy Pippin smile

I love the music here too, so good!
“Gondor calls for aid.”
“And Rohan shall answer!”
Part 2
41. Pippin and Gandalf save Faramir

I love it when Gandalf smack Denethor, it’s the second time he does it here and it’s so funny both times 😂😂😂
42. “It’s done.”
And now it’s the end..... part 2. Hope you guys enjoy these extras too!
Surprise! I’m adding two more moments because why not. Enjoy!
43. Arwen saves Frodo

I love Arwen and I feel bad that I forgot this moment 😭😭😭
44. “Release him, or I’ll cut your throat.”

Andy Serkis did an amazing job as Gollum, such an excellent performance.
Ok. Now it’s the end. For real this time. Part 3. Enjoy!
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