1. 2 states, 1 state, confederation. The argument over the best outcome for the Israeli-Palestinian co floor to me seems besides the point right now because today none of them feel realistic. I just want an outcome that ensures equality, prosperity, security, freedom for all.
2. I’d start with tackling the most negative trends in the conflict: Israeli territorial expansion; Palestinian political division and dysfunction; political & economic inequality between Israelis & Palestinians; and lack of trust & understanding between the societies
3. Such a policy would make all of these outcomes more likely in the future while improving the lives of all people TODAY.
4. For me the most likely positive outcome still appears to be 2 states & I agree with @DanielBShapiro @tcwittes. Though I acknowledge it’s becoming less & less likely.
5. But I’m not wedded to that outcome if someone can convince that the alternatives are more realistic and better achieve the objective of freedom, security & prosperity for all who live between the Mediterranean Sea & the Jordan River.
6. There is a robust set of proposals on what 2 states looks like while 1 state & confederation proposals are much less developed. The charge for @YousefMunayyer & @PeterBeinart & supporters of 1 state is to build out a robust set of proposals & demonstrate it’s more realistic
7. Seriously engage with @EvanGottesman @ShiraEfron analysis on the downsides & see if you can develop proposals and ideas that overcome them. I’m happy to work on those types of ideas & I believe the US & others should be contingency planning along these line
8. But until there is a more baked notion of what these alternatives could look like & whether they truly could be more realistically implemented, it would be a major mistake for the US & international community to walk away from 2 states, even if it seems unlikely
Ugh. Obviously that was supposed to be “conflict.”
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